The advanced Anti-racism criminal standard, the on 9. February 2020 the urn comes, is intended to protect homosexuals and Bisexuals from hatred and discrimination. Against this extension of the Young SVP and EDU make. They fear on the one hand, censorship, on the other hand, acceptance in the population simply by normality-like the SVP-politician and self-confessed homosexual, Michael, Mrs lush said on Monday in front of the media. Woman intimate is the Co-President of the LGBT Committee of the “special rights” that fights the expansion of the Anti-racism criminal standard.

normalization means for him no special rights. This would stigmatize the lesbian, Gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) and as a weak present, said Mrs snug in front of the media in Bern. “But we are not weak, we have to get no special protection from the state.”

According to Mrs cosy, the current criminal law provisions are sufficient. The only so-called gap in the law was that it was not against widely-held, discriminatory judged to be Expressions of, the procedure could be. In addition, associations could report to not display. The closure of this gap, however, is tricky.

The core of freedom of expression encompasses the right not to say things that the other did not fit, is SVP national councillor Verena Herzog convinced.

The opponents of the expanded Anti-racism criminal standard, warn in particular against censorship. It was a vote of no confidence to the people, it is said in a communication to the Committee “to stand no this censorship law”, behind the the EDU and the Young SVP. It should remain a legitimate point of view, a critical view of Homo – and bisexuality is a deal, said EDU-President Hans Moser.

With the marriage for all or the right of adoption for homosexual couples highly controversial political discussions had to be taken. Moser sees the danger that citizens and politicians do not participate at all in these debates, because they wanted to get a “homophobia-label” appended to it. “And who dares to voice it, considering each sentence twice.”

Alone, the latent threat of a criminal complaint leads to self-censorship and uncertainty, also said the Thurgauer SVP national councillor Verena Herzog. But the core of freedom of expression encompasses the right not to say things that the other did not fit. A gay joke should be allowed.

Powerless against Attacks

The Parliament voted in December of 2018 for the expansion of the Anti-racism criminal standard. Background the widespread trivialization of homophobia and the accumulation of verbal Assaults against the persons Concerned do not have got.

in 2016, had recommended the Swiss competence centre for human rights the Federal Council, the Anti-racism Criminal provision on sexual orientation extend. The change in the law, against the rights of the circles of the Referendum have taken goes back to a parliamentary Initiative of the national Council.

Taken in the Referendum: The cross-party Committee “no to this censorship law” submitted at the 8. In April 2019, over 70’000 votes. Photo: Keystone

opponents fear not only a limitation of expression , but also the freedom of trade and industry. In the future, a General services shall be allowed to be on the basis of sexual orientation, is denied.

A Baker, for example, the refusal for reasons of conscience, to bake a wedding cake for same-sex couples, has to reckon with the complaints, said the Bernese EDU-Grossrätin Katharina Baumann. The same the threat of Hoteliers that do not want a double room to a homosexual or rent or advertising company who refused orders from the LGBTI Community, to warn the opponent with reference to experiences in other countries.

For woman’s intimate, the service itself could be affected, this is not a Problem. Such refusals are absolutely legitimate, he said. Affected could turn to other providers. (amc/sda)

Created: 11.11.2019, 13:27 PM