“Effective remisshantering can reduce waiting times”

“A better remisshantering can in the long term, help to reduce waiting times. It is believed the health Board who want to develop remisshanteringen and make it more national equivalent.”

“– Referrals are a very important tool in health care, ” says Marianne Hanning, the expert on the health Board, to TT.”

“There are already electronic referrals, but the national Board of health wants to speed up the development and make the management more effective. At the same time, healthcare institutions and the various activities agree on the contents of advanced tools for monitoring efficiency says Marianne Hanning.”

“– You must make sure to provide the referral with a content that meets the need for the recipient, so that it can be done the right priorities, ” she says.”

“the national Board of health suggests that referrals should have an ID number, in order to be able to follow the patient’s care process, but also be able to see what could interfere with effective care process.”

“the care Chain is complex and there will always be queues, but a more effective remisshantering can according to the health Board help to shorten waiting times.”

“in Order to make healthcare more equal, it also requires the development of common treatment guidelines.”

“– a Variety of medical practices and their kösituation one has from the beginning makes it differ in different regions and areas of activity.”

“– We want it to be a more equitable assessment of referrals and a clearer prioritisation of which ones to go on to the specialistsjukvården, continues Marianne Hanning.”

“the health Board also mentioned staff shortages as a major problem when it comes to waiting times. Waiting times have increased over the past few years must be illuminated from several different directions, stresses in its report.”

“– I still think that really good and detailed referrals that end up in the right place has importance, ” says Marianne Hanning.”

“During the period 2015-1018 increased the total duration of stay in the country’s emergency rooms with 18 minutes to three hours and 39 minutes (median). People over 80 years and patients at the larger hospitals are the ones that will have to wait at the emergency room.”

“In december 2018 was 85 per cent of the patients treatment within specialist care within 90 days. Four years earlier, in 2014, the figure was over 90 per cent. this means that the effectiveness of the care guarantee has deteriorated.”

“Source: national Board of health.”