the COURT IN RANDERS (Ekstra Bladet): The deliberate killing of a 30-year-old man at the familieparken Randers Rainforest should cost a former rocker, a historic high penalty of 20 years in prison.

It takes the prosecutor Birgitte, Ernst, who has just completed his procedure for a jury.

– I can’t imagine that there is nothing worse than using a gun for a killing of a person, which in no ways had done something, which could be due to nødværve. In addition, the killing was committed in a public place, which has created insecurity for the surroundings. So therefore, I see only aggravating circumstances and the head is no intermediate case, said the prosecutor.

In the Danish penal code does a killing generally 12 years in prison, but prosecutor Peter Ernst has drabssagen against ex-rocker Malik Karim Ali Thorsen been allowed to avail itself of a particularly aggravating section, there are identical to the specific section in the penal code that applies to banderelaterede criminals.

the Paragraph makes it possible for the court, to give the 37-year-old Malik Karim Ali Thorsen, who was previously known as the Mads Anker Stæhr Thorsen, 50 percent more in penalties than he would normally get for killing and the illegal possession of firearms – and thus sentence him to a maximum of 20 years in prison.

the Crime After the killing: How tried eksrocker to hide the tracks

In his allegation put the prosecutor Birgitte Ernst special emphasis on the fact that the killing happened in a public place and that Malik Karim Ali Thorsen has previously held skarpladte guns.

the Prosecutor believes at the same time, to ekrockerens 38-year-old girlfriend, and 19-year-old buddy to three years behind bars for possession of drabsvåbnet after the killing.

the Killing at the Randers Rainforest took place 22. december of last year. Here found a random passers-by the body of the 30-year-old man, which, according to the obduktionserklæringerne was killed with a single shot fired at point-blank range through the right eye.

Malik Karim Ali Thorsen, who earlier today was found guilty in the killing, the matter admitted that he fired the fatal shots, but believe that he acted in legitimate self-defence.

Eksrockeren have attended the case during the severe politibevogtning from an adjacent lyttelokale, he also today may hear skyldkendelsen from.

It is because he is under a previous court hearing went to the attack on one of the members present in the courthouse, and he is now charged separately for.

Earlier in the case asked the 19-year-old co-defendants that the 37-year-old was led out, while he himself gave evidence.

the expected final judgment in the case later in the day.