“Election issues that I have been involved in Finland”

“Three topics have dominated the debate ahead of Sunday’s parliamentary elections in Finland: health care, immigration and climate.”

“the Finnish population is becoming increasingly older. But how will the care be like?”

“as well As in many european countries, elude the question of Finnish politicians, who seem to have problems getting along. A number of cases of neglect have been uncovered during the winter, and in the centre stands the large private healthcare company. The scandals have revealed an ideological split between the moderate Party, which advocates freedom of choice in healthcare, and the social democrats (SDP).”

“Vårdfrågan contributed in the highest degree to the Centerledda the coalition government fell more than a month ago. Prime minister Juha Sipilä dissolved the government since the parliament voted down its comprehensive vårdreform.”

“Finland already has a strict immigration policy. Now have a debate on the limits given new life since a nasty sexualbrottshärva against young girls in Oulu, came to light in december of last year.”

“the Police are investigating a number of alleged perpetrators who have come to Finland as asylum seekers or refugees. The cases became an argument for the true finns, who have long gone to the choice of a strict asylum policy. The party has been going strong forward ahead of Sunday’s elections – from around 12 percent at the end of last year to over 16 percent in the latest poll from the institute Taloustutkimus, which was published by Yle.”

“as in Sweden, the concept flygskam and köttskam emerged on the political agenda in Finland, which has given rise to a race among the country parties in the climate change issue. Several parties agree that the tax on meat must be increased, something which parties like The greens and the left alliance have long advocated. Others talk about protecting locally produced, as landsbygdspartiet Party.”

“the Two parties have profiled themselves as klimatskeptiska, and categorically say no to climate reforms: the true finns and the less utbrytarpartiet Blue Future.”