They can be tempting to turn on when one keeps in queue on Frederiks Allé in Aarhus or Knippelsbro in Copenhagen: Busbanerne, who, unlike the ordinary roadway are empty most of the time.

1. april entered what drømmescenarie one step closer to a realization. Here it was possible for the municipalities to let the electric and hydrogen vehicles make use of busbanerne.

It means, according to the bilistorganisationen FDM, in the future will be able to meet bus lanes with a painted green symbol indicates that electric and hydrogen vehicles are allowed to use the track.

No municipalities have, however, availed themselves of the opportunity yet.

the Idea of allowing electric and hydrogen cars use busbanerne is inspired by Norway. It includes the possibility, as a part of the many benefits, the country’s elbilister have access to.

According to the FDM has just Norway, however, mixed experience with to close the electric vehicles into the lanes. The significant increase in the number of electric vehicles has made it difficult for the Norwegian buses to get the freedom of movement, as busbanerne is for.

In Denmark, it is up to each municipality to define rules for traffic in the busbanerne. According to Dennis Long, who is a legal consultant in the FDM, it creates a risk that elbilisterne will encounter different rules from municipality to municipality.

– When you do it is up to the individual municipality to decide whether it should be allowed to drive in bus lanes, there is of course the risk that the rules vary across local authorities, and that it can be confusing to motorists, who are not necessarily aware that they are passing a kommunegrænse, says Dennis Long to the and adds:

– On the other hand, municipalities can have very different needs and now have the opportunity to plan the traffic flow and the green incentives for own needs and possible challenges.

It will require adaptable, elbilejere to make the drive in busbanerne a success. FDM mentions as an example that in such case they will need to run after certain lysregulering instead of the regular in order to get traffic to glide appropriate.

It will be a more exclusive option than was first supposed. In the government’s klimaudspil stated, namely, that local authorities should have the possibility ’to allow, to low – and nulemissionsbiler be able to drive in bus lanes’.

With the wording there was, in practice, put up to, to also owners of pluginhybridbiler would be able to run in busbanerne. They have, however, been written out of the final set of rules.

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