the Government has promised that there will be an agreement on electric cars before the new year, and juleønsket also seems to come true.

But it will not be a wide agreement, where the opposition is, who the target was. The government is criticised for not being ambitious enough, but it rejects has grown Karsten Lauritzen (V).

– the Opposition has no money. We have made a budget with the Danish people’s Party, where they have taken great responsibility. So, they naturally have a say in what the government spends money on.

– instead of to take the bird you have in hand, one will have the ten on the roof, but then the flock flew in, said the minister, who considers that it does not manage to land a deal because of the upcoming election.

Therefore, he shall submit a bill in the Folketingssalen in the next week, where citizens have the opportunity to buy an electric car exempt up to 400,000 crowns the next two years.

– It will provide around 1000 new electric cars, but it’s not so much about the number, which is by far up to that goal, we have. But it’s more about getting ro.

– We ensure in the government, by putting a bill forward, that there should not be paid a bent 25-penny in the tax the next two years for electric cars up to 400,000 dollars, he says.

When the minister is talking about peace, so it’s about to give a commission time to come up with a suggestion of how the milliarddyre conversion of the transport sector should be financed.

the Fear is that citizens are waiting to buy cars, if there are signs that the tax will fall in a future political agreement. It has previous negotiations on the vehicle shown.

Head of the FDM Torben Lund Kudsk is pleased with the agreement, but would have preferred that the agreement could provide a long-term solution.

– We avoid that the taxation of electric cars rises here after the new year. It was the last thing we needed, ” he says.

– However, when it is said, so it is unfortunately only a temporary calm, which is created. We will invite you for a choice sit down and begin to look at how you can make a brand new afgiftsmodel, which can ensure the green transition.

the Opposition voting for the bill, but would have preferred a more ambitious agreement. For the Danish prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) promised to yourself on the debate in parliament, that there should be a million electric cars by 2030.

the Danish people’s Party has previously pointed out that the technology will become even cheaper to promote electric cars later. Therefore, it makes sense to wait.

A key part of the government’s plans is that sales of gasoline – and diesel-powered cars and buses must stop in 2030.