After the arrival of the extra train in the Altstetten train station, the guest fans from Basel marched Letzigrund stadium. “By participating in this March, forces of the police and occasionally stones were thrown at,” writes the Zurich city police in a media release. A vehicle had been damaged. No one was hurt. The police used pepper spray and arrested eleven persons.

During the game both fans set fire to stadium many Pyros. After the game, the city police prevented a Clash of rival supporters at the train station Altstetten. As local Fans wanted to prevent the departure of the outgoing train, the police irritant. “In the Wake of a civilian patrol was damaged by a group throwing stones at them and a second vehicle,” said the city police. Seven people, aged 16-18 years, were arrested.

At the train station Hardbrücke it came a little later to a discussion between several of the FCZ Fans. Two persons were injured slightly.

Shortly before midnight, a train with GC arrived in the Central station of Zurich-Fans from St. Gallen. Here, too, the city police prevented a meeting of other groups of supporters. In this connection, the police arrested four people over the age of 15-19 years. They were released in the night from the arrest. (aru)

Created: 04.04.2019, 11:39 PM