– The last Vollsmoseplan, a political agreement as a unanimous Odense city council adopted in september 2018, and which, incidentally, leans close to the government’s ghettoudspil, have a few good and ambitious elements in themselves.
Among other things, the target to reduce kriminalitetsniveauet among children and young people in Vollsmose, so it is level with the rest of Odense, bet on an earlier and more targeted civic action, as to prevent children and young people in Vollsmose included in the problemskabende ungegrupperinger, are ambitious and sensible. the
Blunt criminal stifles the other
– The small hard-core of the blunt, egocentrerede criminals concentrated around ( parts of) the few crime families stifles the healthy civil society in Vollsmose and prevent its resurgence. The same trends we see in sacramento and in other socially disadvantaged areas around the country. the
so begins Elvir A an op-ed on the situation in the Odense district of Vollsmose, which has been on various governments ghettolister, and now can look forward to a serious game of buldozing.
Policy – 24. apr. 2019 – at. 21:41 Vollsmoses residents in an uproar: Where will they send us?
the Danish policy – 24. apr. 2019 – at. 15:55 Thousands of people losing their homes: How will the municipality crush Vollsmose
Elvir writing as a private individual – that he puts much weight on – but he has lots of knowledge and experience from the field after 10 years of effort as lokalbetjent associated with the Vollsmose police. And he hopes that the local.politicians who right now – as he sees it – is to punish a large number of innocent residents, reading this post, before the final decisions need to be taken.
You can vote on and participate in the debate on the Elvirs Vollsmose-level below – his speech continues namely as follows:
Demolition and ommærkninng of at least 1000 general-family dwellings in Vollsmose and the displacement of a lot of random, resurcebegrænsede families of other ethnic origin than Danish is not creating the positive change in the district, such as the politicians else wants it. the
Who need surgical precision to
– There is a need for fairness, proportionality and greater surgical precision in the actions and initiatives we undertake, if development in Vollsmose in earnest must face and if the district at some point in the future must be an integrated and well-functioning town at the height of the rest of the city. the
– significant changes in the infrastructure, such as establishment of cross-cutting roads through the Vollsmose in order to break the neighborhood’s physical compactness, and thus open both physically and mentally the district in relation to the rest of the city, seems sensible.
– the same applies to The structural changes along the Vollsmose Allé, including high-rises. the
– the Closure of the passages from the Bøgetrovet against the townhouses would make it less attractive and safe for the criminals to use the square as the hotspot location and the arena, where power struggles between the various criminal factions fought for public sight, and with a sense of insecurity as a result of the peaceful residents.
– it will also make It easier for the police to operate in the area with the reduction of escape routes for the criminals ifm. turmoil and politiindsatser. the
The hard core constitutes 1-2 percent, 100-200 people
– There is a need to punish the criminals, particularly the hard core and those associated with gang neighborhoods of north west, who runs the drug trade and that represents the max 1-2% of the total population in the district.
– The hard core, which springs from a few of the crime families, creates insecurity in the local community and acts as a catalyst for brutalisering and forråelse of the criminal environment.
– The hard core is also a catalyst for bandedannelser, which has a negative knock on effect on the vulnerable young people and their behaviour. the
not punishing the law-abiding – they feel double penalized
– As a society, we must avoid collective punishment that affects the law-abiding citizens, which are the most in the district. the
– The law abiding citizens of Vollsmose feel already doubly penalized. The criminal with their crime and, not least, their reckless, utryghedsskabende behavior constantly to tempt and contaminate the velfungerendes children and young people, when these move in the public space.
– at the same time, criminals are constantly to brand the whole of Vollsmose and thus also the law-abiding citizens negatively in relation to the surrounding society.
– The criminals are with their selfish behavior directly the fault of various, political laws in the form of special legislation, which undermine the true test of legal certainty and detrimental to their socio-economic conditions. the
– Massive demolition of homes and tvangsflygtning of hundreds of law-abiding families away from Vollsmose is not going to create the desired change. We run the risk of once again throwing a lot of millions of tax dollars out of the window. the
The criminals are the problem
– If the negative dynamics of gravity must be broken in the country’s socially vulnerable neighborhoods, then we, as a society, in the need to effectively sanction those which constitute the very problem – the criminals, the negative dagsordensættere – and at the same time, as a minimum, not to punish the law-abiding citizens. the
– If the society did not manage to weaken the hard core of criminals, it becomes difficult for the authorities to get the crime prevention efforts in the region in relation to vulnerable young people to function optimally. the
But we do not use the force of the law
– in these years of spitting a lot of new legislation that is not being used enough in practice, partly because the responsible authorities are the pressure on resources. the
– As a society, we should be in socially disadvantaged areas targeted and sustained work to weaken the criminal families ‘ power and influence. The police can not solve this task alone. the
And so we lack to ku’ tvangsflytte the criminals
– in Addition to the police’s ongoing efforts, which should the breath of the organized criminals in the neck, we should, as a society, legislative allow for consistent permanent tvangdudsættelse and tvangsflygtning of the hard-boiled criminals and their families, when these f.ex. commit certain types of serious crime, as is utryghedsskabende for the local environment.
– Tvangsflygtning should be ifm. personfarlig crime, such as violence, shootings, extortion, gross vandalism. the
– We already have according to the government bandepakke III from 2017 the opportunity to give gang members an exclusion order from one year up to 10 years.
– Bandekriminelle or persons related to gangs, can be prevented to reside in the municipalities where they are convicted of committing the crime, in a limited time period, which depends on straflængden. the
Critics who do not know the environment and its dynamics, would probably argue that it just moves the problems to another place and the same criminals are just going to continue their crime in a new place.
– most Likely, they will tvangsudsatte criminals continue their crime is their livelihood and life choices.
– But by throwing the convicted gang members and organized, especially active criminals, such as dealing with organized crime, out of the ghetto will these criminals ‘lose their wings’, their base and the comfortable, familiar surroundings, where they can hide and confidently pulling in the wires as the prime mover in the organized crime, bandedannelser and recruitment of vulnerable young people. the
– Vollsmoses recovery plan and ghettopakker is not going to work in practice, if not the responsible authorities and the operators abilities to incorporate a greater degree of proportionality, justice, and the surgical precision into the plan, ending Elvir, but what are you thinking?