This year I look forward to, when the Mari-Flower-Stalin-Sirpa-Asko -called gender-neutral santa delivers vegan ham to the Syrian refugees, writes Tuomas Enbuske.Let us make a collective agreement, that in the future we give each other only intangible gifts, Tuomas Enbuske proposed newspaper column. Jenni Gästgivar

Hey. I’m Thomas. Life mission to ruin your christmas.

I Have it some bug-eyed atheist. If the church were to decide, I would. Eyes that only his own powers interested in the billionaire club has always been opposed to their own power reduction. 100 years ago, a secular independence was illegal. And now, the church is still free to advertise the school in their own exploitation – and the power system.

Last year I made a complaint to my child’s school party. My kids school was insanely long ”Jesus loves all” -the gospel presentation.

I’m Going to ruin christmas more.

This year I look forward to, when the Mari-Flower-Stalin-Sirpa-Asko -called gender-neutral santa delivers vegan ham to the Syrian refugees.

Even more than the religious christmas, I hate the capitalism of christmas. It should not talk about anything in school. It guides our children to think that everything comes from somewhere for free, without effort. No wonder that young people will become the left alliance and green voters. Santa’s gifts are just born by itself, without a job. It was like endless resources, unlimited to social security, agricultural subsidies, state subsidies to the systems and all the other wasteful spending.

christmas gift delusion has led to the fact that we buy each other gifts, which no one wants. We sweat sleepless in bed in remembering that something made in China, a month from now-forgotten plastic härpäke have to buy yet even the godfather to the child who is annoying and whose name we don’t even remember.

This has led to an unnecessary gift krääsään, which with any luck will be put to the cabinet, unless the gift no booze or toilet paper. They at least needed. Booze at least for the EU in the lead.

let us Make a collective agreement, that in the future we give each other only intangible gifts.

No wonder that the ocean has more plastic than fish, when parents get their children shopping so indifferent to the garbage that the kids no longer remember the cash line after passing, what they were buying. Our mother has done for your mom’s christmas food. And Asian children is to make your children’s christmas gifts.

to return to christmas the basic idea of all the abundance of goods in the middle.

Happy christmas the recipe is in the end simple and its message basically beautiful. I just need a board game, a camera, a few Diapamin, cam carts, gag and shackles.

Swallow diapamit. Invite your child to the table, threatening to leave them a shilling if they did not give up älylaitteitaan and sit in place the next half an hour. Roped your spouse in shackles and gagged too nose cart. Detailed instructions can be found on google keyword ”Hannibal Lecter”.

Spread a board game on the table, snap a picture of it and your child on social media with the words: ”we Are now in the christmas in honor of the social strike. Merry christmas to all”.

Stop after this presentation, get the kids back to their rooms. Spouse you can now push the nose on the cart to the yard and tell erotoiveesi. Now once you get a spouse to contact.

When the people has dawned that their own happiness is impossible to achieve, we have begun to tease hams and make them happier.

Before, at least honestly we murdered them, we broke the grave and we ate it after the body. Animal organic treatment, good intention is the fact that animal rights and the freedom of movement seeks to improve. But it only relates to gibberish. Organic animals have to give GMO-free (I’d rather farrowing cage, as I write this terrible anglismin) organic animal feed and the EU homeopathic treatment. So leave the animals to suffer without the right medicine. Any of those are of no use, because the pigs don’t realize that even them showing off the possibilities. It is equally reasonable to put luomusian sorkkaan Rolex, as any pig not to brag. Except at the christmas party.

instead, in the ocean of free life of salmon or in the woods strutted the game is not organic. Both of you live you prefer: wild in the woods swagger as hirvenä or organic farm? I’d choose the first simply because you don’t have to listen to fool’s organic farmer MTK-propaganda day in and day out.

Someone always gets angry when I heard that his food is derived from the power produced, from feeling and thinking about the creature. Our society is as twisted as holding a tortured pig knee. As in Thailand, the little kids put the hurt to hear that your middle school aged daughter looking like a child, you’re not legal.

how about organic christmas ham the way a happy child prostitutes sexual services? The child should have the right to use a condom, and him getting raped in the end pain relief.

No, Jesus is not the only religion. Religion-like structure has a certain everywhere. They are on the left and market liberals, and especially the Finnish feminist organisations

After criticizing the feminist jihadist wing, women’s affairs federation, the Union, the speech of people Katju Aro complained on Twitter that my newspaper column because of my she has received a lot of hate speech. His faith in the sect, therefore, I would not have received this criticism.

by the Same logic he should therefore not be made to bark Juha sipilä of the government’s education cuts. Or if you make this a gender issue, Katju Aro not supposed to bark, at least the education minister Sanni Grahn-Laasonen. What feminism it is that someone gets uncritical even piss in my mouth, if he has the right game tools sloggeissa.

the Policy worth horista income inequality and the growth of inequality and the children and the elderly. The only one who doesn’t get to talk positively about are the rich. This is due to the fact that there were no rich. And a good income the only task in the public debate is to provide additional treasury and the middle class of farmers and greedy spending.

that’s Why the democrats are now promising everything from elections to the elderly. In the same way as santa claus to give irresponsible gifts, for which the citizens have to take a loan.

This, of course, therefore, that the elderly either die before the next election, the end of the season, get sick Alzheimer’s or are otherwise always in a bad mood. So for them it’s worth promise.

merry christmas.