Denmark is the world’s largest exporter of christmas trees, but the Danish christmas tree producers are experiencing particular pressure times in the year. There will be produced many more christmas trees than there is demand, and it does, that the prices of juletræsmarkedet is completely in the bottom.

– The bad years scratching more than usual. It is worse than it has been in the past. The prices have come further down. It is just the reality, says Bernt Johan Collet from its goods, Lundbygaard, which is located at Vordingborg.

He is director of the Collet, which is one of Denmark’s third largest producers of christmas trees. The company is not experiencing the same challenges as the new manufacturers in the market, but there are still years where the Collet has red numbers on the bottom line, he says.

working right now hard to get packed the last of the christmas trees. Three men working together to get christmas trees in pallets, which are wrapped in net. Photo Per Rasmussen

And it is a conditions in the industry. Ago 2. World war ii has it been such, that juletræsindustrien experience eight good years followed by eight bad – the time it takes for a christmas tree to go from seed to købeklar.

– You have a otteårs period – as long as it takes to make canlı bahis a christmas tree, where the prices are high. When prices are high, so is there suddenly some people who also want to produce christmas trees. So they will also to earn on it.

the World’s largest exporter

Denmark is the world’s largest exporter of christmas trees and one of Europe’s largest producers of christmas trees.

That’s grown 10 milliioner christmas trees on the Danish plantations on the year, and most are Nordmannsgraner.

Here are 9 millions of christmas trees exported to overseas.

It provides a total income of 1.5 billion.

Source: Landbrugsstyrelsen

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Suddenly, that perhaps 50 per cent more christmas trees on the market than there actually is in demand. And then, of course, the price of christmas trees plummets. And that is what is happening at the moment, says Bernt Johan Collet, if the business has been going for work since 1953.

Pallevis of christmas trees stacked and ready to be sent abroad. Collet exporting to 21 countries in Europe. Here are the a consignment to Poland. Photo: Per Rasmussen

Denmark has an excellent climate, that fits to the christmas trees. And this is the good year for the Danish christmas tree production, which has a enticing effect, explains Bernt Johan Collet.

– In the good years to make the game a lot. Prices rise something so incredible. In the times, when the prices are low, the manufacturers with the nose in the carpet to their customers and saying ’please please, buy our christmas trees’. But when the cask is facing, so it is the customers who come to the producers, because there is a lack of trees.

the Trucks come every day and retrieves the pallet of christmas trees. Juletræsproducenten Collet exporting the 600,000 christmas trees per year. Photo: Per Rasmussen

– the Crisis typically come towards the end of the bad years, because the equity in juletræsproducenterne being eaten up. So in the last two-three years of the cycle, there goes it loose, and it gives the bankruptcies of some producers, says Bernt Johan Collet.

the Landlord says that the consequence of juletræskrisen means that there will probably disappear between one third and a half of the manufacturers in Europe.

– But the danes are dødskrappe for christmas trees, so it is probably not as hard on us. But that happens in every case, and the slain among the manufacturers. And those who are left, we can rejoice. There will be really big shortage of christmas trees four years maybe, he says.

All the christmas trees from Lyndbygård Goods sold through handelsfirmaet Arbodania. Collet has a turnover of around 80-100 million dollars a year. Photo: Per Rasmussen

Chairman of the Danish christmas trees: of Course concerned

Several Danish christmas tree producers are experiencing in the here year, that they have to turn the key on in their businesses. The pressure also comes from a rise in equity production from among others Germany. It tells the President of the Danish-christmas-tree, Claus Jerrem Christensen.

– There are some challenges with getting rid of the trees. The trade balance has been pushed. Germany is a-two euro promotion only on transportudgiften. Of course they are also a little ahead of dyrkningsudgiften. So we can’t do it cheaper than the germans.

– It, we can bet on, it is that low quality trees. But it is clear that when the germans can get very many trees at home for cheaper prices, then we are also under pressure, says the director.

the Director also points to the otteårscyklus as the main issue.

– Bankruptcies coming in this year, because the prices have been declining more or less since 2012. If one in so many years, should be able to hold down prices, then it is clear that you have to have something in the bank from the better years, says Claus Jerrem Christensen, who acknowledges that he is worried about his industry.

– It is clear, that when it goes to the members and the growers bad, then it’s not good for the industry. So I’m of course worried, but even to say that it is a nationwide crisis, it is perhaps too fiercely, says the director.