At the end of 2017 was a historian and associate professor at the University of Copenhagen, Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen quoted in several media to say that there was about a 50 percent chance that the queen would use his new year speech to abdicate.

she did not, and in the years doubt Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen, to the queen to resign.

– I think not. She has so to say missed all the good opportunities for it. There is no account, she needs to take. A few years ago, one could say that prince Henrik was ill, for example. But it was, as you know is not enough. And in the year she could have made it, in connection with that crown Prince Frederik was 50. He is as ready as he ever will be. But it was not here. And in the coming year, there is no similar obvious reasons, he says to onlinemediet BetXpert

Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen does not exclude, that the queen at a time could try to step back and let the crown prince get to, but it will be in that case at the earliest, in a few years.

– Last year I said that she had the opportunity. I read her the way that she basically is dutiful, and if she would abdicate, it is because it seems like the right and natural thing to do, and not because she just is tired or something like that, but because there is something external, something ethical, pointing to it And it’s not there in the coming years, he says.

Photo: Keld Navntoft

He points out that the 2020 is a special year for the queen, and that she hardly could find to leave his place in the field.

In 2020, the 100-year anniversary of the reunification, and it is a very national issue. Southern jutland and the royal family are quite closely linked. There is a traditional royal connection and care for the southern part of Jutland. It was her own grandfather, king Christian the Tenth, which she very well may remember from his early childhood, there was the king, who rode over the border at Kruså. My guess is that she will have with being the reigning queen, he says.

Within nytårstalen last year still hofreporter at Billed-Bladet Trine Larsen mockingly over reports that the queen might abdicate, and said that so you might as well throw his money in the harbor instead of playing on it. And here a year later is the message the same.

– she does not. She either announces it during the nytårstalen or abdicerer in the course of 2019. She is even the case – among other things, in an interview with Billed-Bladet in the summer, says Trine Larsen BetXpert.

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According to Trine Larsen works the queen as fresh as always. Hofreporteren have written stories about the royal family in over 20 years, and she believes that the queen despite prince Henry’s death have renewed energy, as she no longer has to go and worry over him.

Trine Larsen doubts, therefore, that the prince’s death has given the queen of denmark Margrethe reason to consider the possibility to abdicate.

I have spoken with her about it several times over the years and most recently in the summer, where I asked her about the prince’s death had changed in her decision, and she answered ‘No’ to. She is still of the opinion that she gets on the stick, for she dratter. Or if one day she becomes crazy, she says.

Photo: Bo Amstrup

It is, therefore, relatively fixed, that the queen hardly use nytårstalen to resign. But what she expected to say?

– She mentions of course the prince’s death. It is clear. This is the first in the new year after his death. And then she will also mention the enormous sympathy and warmth, which is flowed against the family in the days around his death and subsequent. There she will certainly thank and mention how much it has meant to them. She is very, very touched, ” says Trine Larsen, and continues:

she said also in the summer. It was something that did, that she could get on with his work. She really appreciated all the kindness that has been shown the family. It will she talk a lot about in the years, it has filled much. She would like to thank the danes for having shown the family the big heat.

In may, the age of the crown prince 50 years, and in particular, it was marked during the Royal Run in the country’s five largest cities. It think Trine Larsen also gets to fill part of the nytårstalen.

– It is hard to be a fortune teller, but I think she will mention the crown prince’s 50th birthday and the Royal Run, as it was one more underlining of people’s goodwill towards the royal family. This, I believe, was the queen so much, that she in the midst of a difficult time be able to celebrate the crown prince in such a way. She could also mention Iceland, where she has been to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the country’s independence, says hofreporteren and rejects in the same breath, that the queen could find to mention Kim Larsen, who is the most played words in Danish Game of the year.

– I don’t believe It, she does. Not that she did not think that it is sad. But she doesn’t mention on the way the persons, who have passed away, says Trine Larsen.

the Historian Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen also believe that the prince’s death and the crown prince’s birthday will be allowed to fill in nytårstalen. At the same time, doubt he that the queen will start to talk politics in this year’s speech.

– I don’t think we hear anything about the Danish song is a young blond girl. The kind of I think, she controls absolutely. And in a situation so close to an election, so there will not be any policy, it can I bad imagine. Sometimes there’s something a little morally and in general tones politicised, but so close on a choice she will be extra careful, he says.