Too much manure on the fields – too much nitrate in the groundwater. Minister for agriculture, Klöckner device, therefore, under pressure from the EU. You may not agree with the Ministry of the environment.
Over years, experience now, that the nitrate limits would be exceeded in the ground water, said Bettina Hoffmann, environmental policy spokeswoman of the Green parliamentary group in the Bundestag, the ARD-capital Studio. Agriculture, the main cause of the problem, action needed – as the Federal government, which had avoided the Problem.
“it has taken The Federal government measures, but that is not enough,” says Hoffmann. The government is now required to set clear limits, and a more stringent fertilizer Ordinance to the legal framework and also to be observed, so that in the long term, something to improve.
Germany must do more for clean groundwater. Above all, this means: Less manure and fertilizer on fields, because this nitrate to reach the groundwater. Too much of it is potentially harmful to humans and nature.
For years, it is fertilized in Germany too much.
pressure from the EU-Commission
The EU – Commission to pressure it had sued Germany because of too high nitrate values, and in the past year, the European court of justice in Luxembourg. Although the Federal government had not tightened before the fertilizer leeches for farmers – the rich Brussels. Germany needs to improve.
for A period up to the end of last week had the government pass. The agriculture and environment Ministry could not agree on proposals. You need a little more time, said Stefan Haufe, the spokesperson of the Federal Ministry of the environment. “The time available is, of course, closely” It is clear that the need to deliver quickly. The exact date he could not recall but, Haufe.
Less fertilizer, in order to avoid penalties
time is short, otherwise hefty penalties threaten. The focus of additional blackout periods for the fertilization in particularly polluted areas are now, in addition, the farmers should fertilize there lump less and less than the calculated needs of the plants.
in Contrast, farmers protest yesterday in Münster. There, the Federal Minister of agriculture, Julia Klöckner, the CDU made clear that further efforts were necessary. “Germany has lost the procedure is quite clear.” Some of the demands of the EU are not acceptable and you will speak in Brussels. The farmers would have to but realize that many areas are over-fertilized.
Münster, protested by farmers in their tractors.
Higher Water
The German Association of energy and water industries (BDEW) warns prices from rising water. Chief Executive Martin Weyand said, already now the water would have to prepare catering, contaminated groundwater, in order to ensure clean drinking water, such as by water mixed or new fountain to be built. You may need to purify the water in polluted areas in the future. This will lead to significant cost increases.
According to a BDEW study of drinking water in some regions, up to 62 percent more expensive. A Four-person household would thus have to pay 135 euros more per year.
Also warned of the German nature conservation Association NABU, the Problem should not be deported. Plants should be fertilized according to their actual needs, required a reduction of the animal was also density in some regions.
dispute over manure: the government is still divided over the strict fertilizer rules
Claudia Plaß, ARD Berlin
05.04.2019 10:51 PM
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