– It has been disheartening to follow the Black Lives Matters movement in Denmark.

– With a spokeswoman, who requires the named politicians blocked the idea. Including the country’s first colored minister, Mattas Tesfaye.

Those politicians who were in prison, was neither charged or convicted of anything, but the kind of small detail interests not talskvinden.

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– the Demonstrators have highlighted that there is racism in Denmark. Among politicians, the police and society in general must understand.

And yes, certainly there are danes who are racists, but I’m sure it is a small minority.

– We have, on the contrary, the world’s least racist societies where there is equal access for all in the public system. And all the surveys show that the danes are a tolerant and open people

– But there is much reverse racism.

so begins Lars Aslan, who is the EU rapporteur for the Social democrats, a letter to the nation! on racism in Denmark. You know Lars from the post as ‘Your own fault: a Socialist, think the niqab-the girl from Kvickly behave ‘absurd’ (876 comments), New test, only for the gang-members: Loyal to Denmark? (343 comments) and social democrat: the Mess to get 20 children when the world is overpopulated (80 comments) and now he wants to focus on. that it is not only brown and black people, who are exposed to racism – for example, he seems to the major problems that are with young indvandrerknægte bothers the regular people, police and firefighters around in the disadvantaged residential areas, is a good example. his letter – which he himself believes will create outcry – continues namely as follows:

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– actually Think we all have experienced violence, threats or harassment from such unintegrated types.

– And if we haven’t experienced it yourself, we do know some who have.

– another good example of racism is the fact that there are very few women with roots in the Middle east, which smoothly must have an ethnic Danish boyfriend or husband.

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– A third example is that an increasing number of parents choose muslim free schools, so their children do not have to go to school with Danish students.

– There are also many imams who daily spreads hatred to all infidels, jews, homosexuals and all the values our society is based on.

– So, yes there is racism in Denmark, but it goes both ways and it must be stupid, naive or a member of the ‘Black Lives Matters’, not to be able to see, writes Lars Aslan Rasmussen, but what do you mean?

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