The Left is good in the midfield – what is the attitude to the European Union. Two-thirds of their supporters mainly see the benefits of a membership in the community, as the current in Germany-the Trend of the ARD. 73 percent of Left supporters want to that the cooperation with the EU will be intensified, and for supporters of the Greens, the CDU/CSU and SPD, there are similar values. Among the supporters of the AfD, only 13 percent are against it for a more in-depth cooperation with the EU. 65 percent of them want to, that Germany is stronger alone.

Measured by the will of its voters, the left party has made it so all of you this weekend at the Europa Congress in Bonn, the Soft set for the election to the European Parliament by the end of may. Almost always summoned top officials of their peers, a clear pro-European stance. “The skepticism is not with Europe or the EU, but compared to the what the governments and the eurocracy it”, said the European Chairman Gregor Gysi in Bonn. And party leader Katja Kipping spoke even about a “Declaration of love to Europe”.

these are fundamental differences to the EU-criticism from the right. And it is at the same time, the emancipation of the Left from your Ex-Chairman, Oskar Lafontaine. The was, as well as his diseased wife Sahra servant does not dare to come to Bonn. And the Left saved so that even difficult debates, as he had demanded before the 2014 European elections his party.

Lafontaine and Wagenknecht are losing influence

the abandonment of The Euro, the Saar countries wanted to know five years ago, discussed what was praised at the time of the AfD. While Kipping complained: “It would be unmarxistisch and also economically not reasonable to respond with a return to the nation-state on the Europeanisation and globalisation of the economy.”

The balance of forces in the Left have changed. Lafontaine and Wagenknecht, fighting for years against an Opening of borders and for the foreclosure of Europe, are losing influence. They wanted to carry the people’s wrath of the yellow West, from France to Germany. A miserably failed attempt at the World Conference Center in Bonn, Germany in the picture: One of the 580 delegates, a man from Göttingen, sits with a yellow vest in the room.

Two of Berlin’s Left-politician from the reform camp to distribute in Bonn with a thesis paper in which you dare the politician-Pair of Lafontaine/servant, even blame, with your collection of movement “get Up”, be aware of the connection to right-wing populist positions in the Interior, migration, Foreign and Europe policies. The ailing project “get Up” not played in Bonn in addition, the slightest role.

The temptation to engage with in the whole of Europe stronger right-wing parties with stricter EU-criticism in the competition, were Left so. Whether the constructive approach will lead to the 7.4 percent – which corresponded to the 2014 election, to defend seven members – or beat?

The Left in Europe with the bulky group, the name of the United European Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE), in which the German left party is organized, gives a fragmented picture. In addition, many European socialist parties are organized in the competing social democratic party of Europe (SPE), also belongs to the SPD.

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“Stand up” collection motion by Wagenknecht in the crisis

Matthias Meisner

Parallel to the Convention of the German Left in Bonn, the SPE met on the weekend in Madrid. Similar to the German left party, they want to put the social question at the centre of the election campaign. The propositions are similar, and yet Europe is not pulling all together. The radical Right network of Orbán on Strache to AfD is always better and will probably make a strong group in the next European Parliament. Departure from the populism of the left party in Germany is currently practiced, is a great thing. If the voters rewarded you must be in the first place.