Wolfgang Ischinger is addressed-in-chief of the renowned Munich security conference (MSC), which every year, in the presence of high-ranking politicians and experts the state of the States of the world. Prior to the MSC 2019, which took place this weekend, had expressed Inger hope, “that we talk only in exceptional cases against each other and one above the other, but time with each other”. And if you try that “solutions, I would be satisfied,” said Ischinger in an interview. At the end of the Munich conference to the MSC-the chief has drawn a gloomy assessment: “There is no doubt that the international order has come under heavy attack.” And further: “We really have a Problem.”

The estrangement between the United States and Europe, the increasing rivalry between the great powers USA, China and Russia, or the dangerous conflicts in the Middle East: The Speeches and debates in Munich cast a disturbing spotlight on the new world-disorder. Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has received a large round of applause and a Standing ovation for her speech in which she made for co-operative and equal Trade between the States.

Video – Merkel settles with Trump

multilateralism-by-case known-case

representatives of the major powers to multilateralism. At the same time gave them to understand, however, clear that confessions to multilateralism are of little value when it comes to their own interests.

for example, disarmament of Russia and the United States-announced INF disarmament Treaty threatens in the summer leaking, without that both countries have an interest to replace this. China, which has, like several other countries on nuclear Assembly in medium-range missiles, argues for a continuation of the INF agreement, but against an extension of the Treaty on the own country.

The new rivalry between the three great powers are expressed in very different ways. So the conflict between Washington and Beijing becomes inflamed currently, especially on economic and trade issues. Russia and China see themselves in their Alliance of autocracies, although United as defender of the West, but they stalk each other at the same time, in geopolit cher competition.

differences between the USA and Europe

The Munich conference also revealed deep divisions between Europe and the USA. Although the allies confessions made to Nato. However, differences were evident in almost all of the major political issues: security and defence policy, to trade and energy policy. The TRANS-Atlantic alienation was also clear in the case of the German-Russian Pipeline project, Nord Stream 2. US Vice-President Mike Pence addressed an open warning to Germany: “We are not able to guarantee the defence of the West, if our Alliance partners from the East.”

“We have a Problem,” Wolfgang Ischinger, the head of the Munich security conference. Photo: Wikipedia

Significant dissent, there were also in the policy towards Iran. On the opposition joined Pence’s critique of the efforts of Germany, France and great Britain to the rescue of the nuclear agreement with Iran. The Vice-President had called on the Europeans, the nuclear agreement. Russia’s Minister Sergei Lavrov foreign language of a common European house, but he urged once more that the Europeans should from dependence on the American release.

“Europe must protect itself to be stronger”

The conclusion of the Munich security conference is sobering: While the challenges for peace and security grow, and decreases the willingness to international cooperation and diplomacy. “We, as Europeans, must dress warmly,” said MSC chief Wolfgang Ischinger, “this applies to foreign, security and defence policy.” It burn everywhere in the world. “Europe must protect itself.” However, Europe is so divided, as already long not more. This is not a good prerequisite for Europe in the forces of the big fairs powers.

front hand is in Europe, the principle of hope. At the Munich conference, it was a prominent American, made the Europeans hope for: Joe Biden, Vice President Barack Obama. In his speech, he held high, what had been the United States: a reliable Partner and ally of Europe. It is not only the America of Donald Trump, said Biden. And he said, what they wanted to hear a lot of Europeans: “The nightmare will pass. We will be back.” (vin)

Created: 18.02.2019, 18:03 PM