“Eva, 72: ”I have become much stronger and happier””

“Eva Hägerstrand, 72, has, like many other trained and throughout life.n a year and a half ago tested she of a niche gym for the seniors and was immediately hooked. Now she trains three times a week.n– I have become much stronger and happier, ” says Eva Hägerstrand.”

“it is important for your health to exercise is something most of us know. A new survey, that Inizio made on behalf of Aftonbladet, also shows that the majority, 55 percent, actually train at least once per week. Most of all are the pensioners. Full 58 percent say they exercise at least once per week. 14% of them train with each day – compared with the youngest age group, 16-29 years, where only 7% stated that they exercise daily.”

“Got to träningsrutinen – after 70”

“A pensioner who is active at the gym is Eva Hägerstrand, 72. She is practicing certainly not every day, but she she keeps herself active and is at the gym at least three times a week. A fitness routine she received after she passed the 70-year mark.n– When I went to school we had three training sessions a week, but after that, it has become more sporadic. Indeed I have had a gym membership and for over 20 years but I have never been to the regular training before, ” she says.”

“For a year and a half ago she went on a test pass at the Activage on Södermalm in Stockholm. A niche gym that caters to seniors – both the training experience and beginners.”

” I was skeptical in the beginning because I like to work out at the gym where there are people of all ages, but when I had tried once and I was hooked. It is so nice here, ” she says.”

“In the beginning was Eve, just like all new members, a personal trainer, but now she goes on cirkelpass in a group three times per week.”

“Cirkelpassen are designed for small groups. Maximum 12 participants may be in a class. Anything that makes the trainer, who is specially trained in exercise for older people, have time to help everyone properly. “

“Every cirkelpass consists of 12 different stations. Six machines and six other exercises that are varied – everything from strengthening exercises to balance exercises. At the gym, there are also other training facilities including a tv room with exercise bikes. There wont Eva go before the passports ”

“– I usually run half an hour before cirkelpasset to get up flåset a little before it’s time for strength training, ” she says.”

“in Addition to gymdelarna, there are also significant social space on the Activage and a room with a massage bed, in which members can enjoy after your workout.”

“– For many that come here, the community is almost as important as the training. Many live alone and don’t meet so much people. Here, they can drink coffee, talk and we also have a range of activities that our members have started up. There are reading groups, dramaklasser and sometimes there are lectures. Community is important, and here they can combine a social life with training, ” says Kristoffer Sjöberg, who is a personal trainer, CEO and one of the owners of gym chain Activage.”

“Eva Hägerstrand, it is the training that is important but she thinks that socializing makes gymbesöket a pleasant experience.n– I live alone and after the training sessions, I stop always and have a coffee and talk with other members. Since then, I have gone with one of the bokcirklarna. I love to read modern Swedish fiction but lacked the people to share my reading experiences with. Now I’ve found it, ” she says.”

“the Oldest member is 94 years”

“Kristoffer Sjöberg has been with since its inception in the Södermalm district in 2016. Last year opened Activage its second gym in Stockholm and soon slams the gates up to the third gym. The interest has been great and now has around 550 members. Most of them are over 60 but the gym is aimed at all träningssugna who are over 55 years. The oldest member right now is 94 years of age.n– the average Age is around 72 years. The common feature is that all the members are very active at the gym. On average, they are here two times per week, ” says Kristoffer Sjöberg.”

“To work with seniorträning was nothing that Kristoffer Sjöberg had planned but in 2011, he started working with a project in Nacka where they offered free strength training for all 90+. “

“– To work with the elderly was so much fun and rewarding, so then I just continued. It is a disadvantaged group within the fitness industry and I was happy to be with, and change , ” he says.”

“How is it different to train younger people?”

“– the Exercises look about the same as for younger people but you have to adjust the surroundings a bit. For example, we have wall bars along the roads if you need support. Many older people also have problems with balance or they are just afraid to fall. By taking away the fear so they can focus on the exercises and get an effective workout, ” he says.”

“Prevent accidental falls”

“Just the balance is something that many older people have problems with. According to the health Board as occurs every year, approximately 70 000 falls in Sweden is so serious that you must seek medical attention. Around 1000 people die each year as a result of a fallolycka – significantly more than those who for example die in car accidents. Most vulnerable are those who are over 80 years but a fallolycka can affect anyone.nGenom to exercise, practice balance and strength training can prevent the risk of falls – ”

“It’s one of the reasons that Eva started with strength training.”

” My mother died after a fallolycka. Even if she was 95 years so it feels boring. Therefore, it feels good to strengthen up the body, ” she says.”

“Now, Eva has been running and working out regularly for over a year and she has noticed big differences from before.”

“– Yes, I have become much stronger both in arms and legs and I am not as breathless when I have to hurry to the bus. And then I have become much happier.”

“the training is fun, she knows not, however, if she wants to say.”

“– No fun maybe I really don’t think it is. But it is necessary and afterwards, it feels good, ” she says.”

“the Investigation is made by Inizio on behalf of Aftonbladet, within the framework of the Schibstedu002FInizios opinionspanel that reflects the Swedish people. The target audience is the general public 16 years of age and older. The study covers 1679 interviews during the period 13 – 19 July, 2018, and is conducted as an online survey. The sample is pre-stratified and weighted on age, gender, region and party in the previous elections.”