Ninove Luna Straetmans (21) from Ninove describes itself as a case apart, emotionally, ‘different’. But just that helps her to ‘World of Dreyma’, for which she was nominated as a Student-Entrepreneur of the year. It will link the rehabilitation of (sport)horses in therapy for ex-prisoners. “It has been proven that this recidivism reduces. And everyone deserves a second chance.”

“I have cried of happiness when I heard that I was nominated as a Student-Entrepreneur of the year,” says Luna, who in Gent Criminological Sciences studies. “My peter is a few months ago, after many years of suffering. He was my pal and I miss him so very hard. When I Gentrepreneur Awards met, I knew he would really have wanted I this participated. So I enrolled myself for him.” And with success, because Luna belongs to the five finalists. “I had never expected. The funny thing is that I’m such a scatterbrained am I the pitch had forgotten. The organization had me call when I was already half an hour late. I had nothing planned, so what I for that jury have told just came straight from my heart. That may have just helped. I’m a case apart – but otherwise is much more fun.”


That they are a separate case, Luna itself like no other. She has BPD, ADD, PTSD, HB and HSP, she says. “But I don’t want to take any medications for my disorders to suppress, because the positive side of it is too expensive. I am always honest and I can very well empathize with other people. And ADD gives me endless energy and endless creativity.”