Internet The 33-year-old Kyle Long went Sunday his discontent at Google’s headquarters in California because his YouTube channel with one video seemingly without reason, was gone. To the police did he know that he is physical violence would be used if there is not to him were listened to. He was eventually caught for the day would come. Eventually it turned out that his rant at the address of Google is not even needed: it was his wife that his account had been deleted.

Long explained over the past weekend, more than five thousand kilometers to the headquarters of Google to reach from his home town in the Us state of Maine. He wanted the technologiegigant there, at any cost, to convince his deleted YouTube account back to normal. The man had yet ever only one video uploaded: a video in which he explained how to get rich quick would be. His argument was “bizarre”, he told his father later to BuzzFeed News.

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“He came up with a crazy idea come up to make anyone a millionaire,” said the father. Long struggling more with mental problems, he adds. The thirties suffers, among other things, bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive illness called. the

His wife was not set up with the movie, and decided the whole account of her husband to remove it. Then he her met, she made him believe that the decision of Google, the parent company of YouTube, had to have been. They did not believe that he would fly out in the presence of the children, sounded later.