former Astronaut and military pilot, Claude Nicollier is to take the procurement plans of the air force under the magnifying glass. Defence Minister Viola Amherd has requested a second opinion to the expert report, “air defense of the future”.

Based on this report, the Federal Council had decided to buy new fighter jets and ground-to-air-missiles for a total of 8 billion Swiss francs. The request comes from the former defence Minister, Guy Parmelin. In the consultation, the plans were cut bad.

report is until the end of April

Before the new head of the Federal Department for defence, civil protection and Sport (DDPS) leads the procurement project to continue, it has a internal analysis to develop and draws on the services of an external second opinion. Only then you will present the Federal Council with a specific request.

for the first half of 2019 is Planned, as it is called in a message from Monday. The VBS announced that the Work could delay the schedule. Nicolliers report should be available by the end of April.

The 74-Year-old Astro-physicist, ex-military, lines and test pilot and the only Swiss in space. After a comprehensive training on the American space Shuttle “space Shuttle” took part between 1992 and 1999 on four space missions. Today Nicollier member of the “Swiss Space Center” in Lausanne and Professor at the ETH Lausanne. (nlu/sda)

Created: 25.02.2019, 17:02 PM