Olivier Thormann, former chief of the Department of economic crime at the Federal advocacy (BA) will be proposed as an ordinary judge of the appeals chamber of the Federal criminal court . The Federal Assembly decides on the 20. March on the candidacy. Prior to his management position in the office of the attorney General, was Thor man investigating judge in the Canton of Fribourg, he is also a lecturer at the University of Freiburg .

Thor, man was first made available to November 2018, the Federal lawyer Michael Lauber . He was accused of, among other things, that he had to the former chief of the legal service of the Fifa to a little distance, and as a result, the secrecy hurt. The investigation by a special Prosecutor rebutted the allegations. Thor man did not return to BA.

The appeals chamber of the Federal criminal court decides on complaints in cases provided for by the Federal Prosecutor before the Federal criminal court to be charged. Against judgments of the criminal chamber, there was only a possibility to Lodge a Complaint to the Federal court in Lausanne. Since 1. January 2019, there is a new instance of the appeals chamber in Bellinzona. (cb)

Created: 07.03.2019, 12:50 PM