the Ball was over the line, but who were not convicted objectives.

Mållinjeteknologien, which is administered by the Hawk-Eye, failed, and then ended Sheffield United to be cheated out of a goal in Wednesday’s Premier League match against Aston Villa.

Now have Hawk-Eye commented on the situation, and here you have laid down flat and apologised to the Premier League, Sheffield United and all others who may be affected by it.

– In the course of 1. half time in the match between Aston Villa and Sheffield United at Villa Park there was a situation with mållinjeteknologi, where the ball was taken over the line of Aston Villas goalie with the number 25, Nyland, write Hawk-Eye on Twitter.

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– Kampdommerne did not receive a signal on the watch or in the cochlea, as is the protocol with mållinjesystemet. The seven cameras placed around the goal was blocked by the goalkeeper, defenders and målstolpen.

– This covering has never been one before in over 9,000 matches, as Hawk-Eyes mållinjeteknologi has been in action.

– the System was tested and proven operational prior to the start of the match in accordance with the IFAB and confirmed by kampdommerne. The system remained functional all the way through. The Hawk-Eye apologise unreservedly to the Premier League, Sheffield United and all who are affected by this situation.

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