For autumn, says prince Joachim ‘au revoir’ to Denmark and travel to Paris.

the Family – consisting of the princess Marie and the couple’s two children, prince Henrik, nine, and princess Athena, seven, travel with. It is due to the 49-year-old prince is enrolled in a military training in France, informs the royal family’s communications director, Lene Balleby, in a press release.

Joachim must be associated with France’s highest ranking military management training from september to the summer of 2020. Then, the tour goes once again home to Denmark for the family.

– the Stay is temporary and the period of time the training will take place, informs the royal family’s communications department to Ekstra Bladet.

According to the press release invited the French defence minister Joachim to participate in the training in the extension of the French state visit to Denmark last year. He is the first Danish officer, participating in the training. The training takes place six days a week and takes place at the École Militaire in Paris.

Anna Thygesen, who is the head of communications in WeDoCommunication, call Joachim resolution of ‘modern’.

– it seems To me that he has had a real problem with finding out how he should spend his time, she says with reference to Joachim part-time jobs as forsvarschefens special experts in relation to the reserve, which he has held since 2015.

– But it is solved now, the roses she.

Schackenborg was not the happiness of the prince Joachim. Photo: Stine Bidstrup

– the Thing that would improve himself in his age in the area, as one can notice, he is passionate about, is a really good idea. He makes it hardly for people to say that it is good personal branding – I would rather call it positioning. He is to fill his own role. He would obviously not be a farmer, but it here seems sensible. His wife is French, his father was French, and one must assume that he is linked to the country and the language, adding Thygesen.

– Prince Joachim the age of 50 years for the June – to you mon put something in it?

Haha, you can say, that if he should do such a thing here, so he must also in time. But it also fits fine with the fact that his children are still small. It is a bit the same as when all sorts of other danes moving abroad in connection with the job. And it seems modern – without that it works out of the thread with the royal family, she rolls fast.

– It is, I think, really, makes sense for him. Now, his position in the defence suddenly make sense, and he gets a serious, international network.

– I think it showed him as he is, and he was probably even happy, says Anna Thygesen is on ’The other prince’, who was sent in december 2017.

– It is a good way to position itself on, sounds about Joachim upcoming ’jobs’ in a new tv series for the autumn.

It had been easier for his image, if he had not been divorced. This is not to say that I think that they should have been together, but it harmonizes badly with the royal family brand.

he gave up Schackenborg and to be a farmer, was resented – not the least of minded schleswigers, assess Anna Thygesen.

– When Joachim got a part-time job as a special expert, it was a little unclear as to what he should do. And, not least, how much. But with his new training looks the resolution the better.

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