“Expressen’s campaign against Aftonbladet never seems to end”

“There is something crazy in the Swedish newspaper Expressen is now more than two-year hatkampanj against Aftonbladet for that we would be ”a platform for Russian propaganda”, should be ”Kremlvänliga” and run Putin’s errand.”

“One could think that the liberals ought to be able to find several positions in the Aftonbladet newspaper that they find abhorrent but that the newspaper really stands for: taxing the rich, re-introduction of a democratic school, abolish the ”free skolvalet” and cancel the privatiseringsdillet in healthcare, for example.”

“Yet they have now year after year concentrated on this non-existent position in the newspaper Aftonbladet.”

“of course I am a party to the proceedings, it is allowed. And yes, my jaw dropped when I two years ago saw me branded as ”Kremlvänlig” on Expressen’s leader board. “

“But then it went in all cases to figure out how they think. I had criticized the Swedish newspaper Expressen’s constant threatening to Putin’s Russia was about to attack and conquer the island of Gotland. It was, and is, a ridiculous thought. “

“Putin may be a non-democratic rogue. But why would he attack the island, and end up in a war with the EU, in the worst case also Nato, losing all exports of gas and oil and end up in a total trade war with the entire western world? And, thus risking financial ruin – for Gotland’s sake? In addition to all he would lose, what would he gain from such a foolish war?”

“such reasoning, which seems practical and not ideological, stamped Expressen, then, as pro-Russian and therefore closest landsförrädiskt in the liberal ideas of that time. “

“Magnificent in grandiosity was also Taken kulturchefs attack on Aftonbladet’s kultursida at the same time. The reasoning was consistent McCarthyistisk: about Jan Myrdal would have written in Aftonbladet kultursida he would probably have written in Putin’s favor. Jan Scherman wrote, while not Putinistiskt within the arts but he was in the FNL-groups in the 60’s. Åsa Linderborg was for Putin, as she claims, quite correctly, incidentally, that it was the Soviet union and not the England that defeated Nazi germany.”

“then, When a researcher related to the institute of Foreign affairs wrote a pamphlet masquerade to the ”research report” with the same content as in the Swedish newspaper Expressen’s campaign was of course all about, Aftonbladet, was produced on the new, as the agent for the Russian folkvalde the dictator. In the angry diatribe said Åsa Linderborg on the insinuationerna about to go the Russian cases with the perhaps somewhat hasty insinuation back to the where the researcher may joined the british intelligence service’s case. Then you got the liberals to the voice of tuppjuck and the requirements on provision response was amazing.”

“the Campaign never seems to end. Despite the fact that it would have been noted if the Aftonbladet contained Putinpropaganda. I myself am cocksure that I would not have missed something so attention-grabbing.”

“Than lömskare is, however, Expressen’s new campaign for the newspaper Aftonbladet, which also peppras with avgångskrav.”

“Then it is one of the many editorial failures over the metoo, the moral panic that got several editors to lose your head.”

“One of tjoget men who hung out in Aftonbladet was the head of the Stockholm city Theatre. It ended in tragedy. The tragedy exploits Expressen shamelessly by repeatedly insinuating or write bluntly to Aftonbladet is to blame for his death.”

“Thus has the Express newspaper lowered itself to the nätmobbens level, and this unprecedented level of shameless cynicism should be seen against the background of Expressen disgraced itself worst during the metoo. And the worst among the worst was an article authored by the editor-in-chief and responsible editor Thomas Mattsson, the threefold fall in the Press Council.”

“And against whom or which the targeted person manager at Expressen, their lies?”

“Against the two employees at the newspaper Aftonbladet, of course. Lucky for Mattsson it not ended in tragedy.”

“semi-rest, I believe that…”

“▪ … Donald Trump’s latest utrikesbravad, to ”recognize” Israel’s military conquest of Golanområdet in Syria, raises an interesting question. How does he then in the Russian conquest of the Crimea?”

“▪ … religious private schools and religious attire in schools should be banned. Even if Ann Heberlein and SD also believe it.”