– They are talking only Arabic with their family, and when they’re out shopping.

– they do not have The use of the English language.

– They sleep for at 11: 00, they are not used to work and it is something that is contagious.

– They are not good to bring up their children and get them to school and get an education.

the Environments out here is fruitful for unemployment.

so says Fadi H from Mjølnerparken in the newspaper Politiken, which was in Mjølnerparken yesterday in connection with the government’s ghettoudspil today.

Fadi is an interpreter, has two daughters who go to school in Østerbro, where most of their classmates are ‘white danes’. It has the girls it is good, and the Fadi – who himself has been threatened on the lives of the residents in Mjølnerparken – are actually quite happy with that the politicians are now doing something at the after Fadis opinion, 40 percent of the residents, who are functioning poorly.

– It bothers me the most is that so many do not work, he says to the newspaper, and looking at the receipt the 22-point plan has been, so is Fadi far from the only one who is delighted that there is now, nothing happens.

– Hope that there will be time in the legislative proposals that have been presented.

– There is not equality before the law when the Danish women must knokle to support the lazy muslim women, writes Viola on Danish newspaper Politiken’s Facebook page, and the Mona J – who write in the same place – completely agree with:

– It is certainly not fair that we danes have to support those people who do not bother to work ….

– It has nothing to with the equality of the law to do. the
– The people should be able to clear itself and go to the front before they can demand anything. …. Otherwise, return where they came from.
– We should not be throwing more money at the kind of more, now is it enough. …..

the Government’s 22 ghetto-initiatives

1. Physical changes in residential
2. New opportunities for full settlement of the most disadvantaged ghetto areas
3. Access to the to terminate the tenants of the sale of public housing in socially disadvantaged residential areas
4. The Stop for the local instructions for the disadvantaged housing for beneficiaries
5. Mandatory flexible renting in disadvantaged residential areas
6. The lower performance for newcomers to the ghetto areas
7. Stop for the relocation of beneficiaries of integrationsydelse
8. Cash rewards to municipalities that succeed in integration activities
9. Strengthened policing in particularly vulnerable residential areas
10. Higher penalties in certain areas (sharpened strafzone)
11. Criminals out of contrast
12. Mandatory day-care facilities to improve language skills before starting school
13. Better distribution in daycare
14. Targeted language tests in the 0. class
15. Sanctions against poorly performing public schools
16. Strengthened parental responsibility through the opportunity for the forfeiture of børnecheck and simpler forældrepålæg
17. Better distribution of pupils in secondary schools
18. The criminalisation of genopdragelsesrejser
19. Harder course against domestic violence
20. Early detection of children at risk
21. Sharpened the punishment for the breach of the special extended obligation to provide information
22. Three special ghetto-representatives with the necessary skills

Read the entire proposal here

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