The flames were not yet deleted, because the Pinaults, and then the Arnaults announced to donate 100 and 200 million euros for the reconstruction of Notre-Dame. Who are the two billionaire families?

Notre-Dame de Paris lies in ruins. One of the most famous churches in the world, the most visited attraction in Europe, has been damaged in the night in case of fire difficult. But it comes to a possible reconstruction and the a lot of money that is needed for this. Extremely high level of Commitments it gave to this pretty quickly by two French entrepreneurs.

“You can’t remain untouched”

The flames were still ablaze from the roof of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, because the family thought Pinault already about how you can help – and he did it: “My father and I have decided, with immediate effect, of 100 million euros to provide the necessary expense for the full reconstruction of Notre Dame to participate, it said in a hastily-written, brief communication, the Henri Pinault, Son of company Patriarch, Francois Pinault already spread shortly after midnight.

Francois-Henri Pinault: His family has shares in brands such as Gucci or Yves-Saint-Laurent.

A spontaneous, big-hearted announcement, the Henri Pinault in the Morning in the radio station RTL in person once again

confirmed: “I feel in my Innermost deeply touched, this is very personal. A feeling that I have shared with many people I’ve seen on TV, as they had to this horrible spectacle in front of the place. I believe you can not remain unaffected, if you are French, and even Paris. This has shocked me. Therefore, I wanted to respond immediately.”

Henri Pinault is the son of Francois Pinault, a real Self-made billionaire from the French Brittany. The money he made initially with wood and furniture, rose and then later with his company holding Kehring in the luxury goods business, where the family owns large shares in brands such as Gucci, Yves-Saint-Laurent and Puma. By the way, he is considered to be one of the most important art collectors in France.

Bernard Arnault wants to contribute 200 million euros to the reconstruction of Notre Dame.

Two families, in a contest

Two passions – art and luxury goods – the Francois Pinault with another French entrepreneur shares: Bernard Arnault, in turn, a major shareholder in companies such as Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton and the champagne brand Moet. The competition, the families and Arnault always in terms of luxury, business and art collection, provide Pinault, wore in Notre-Dame now positive fruits.