There be much to touch a overtatoveret gut from Hundige to tears. But it is close on, it happens in tonight’s episode of ’the X Factor’, where the only 15-year-old Live Køhn Vogel should try to sing on for the program’s live shows.

And she does it well with its version of Sys bjerre’s ‘Closer to the stars’.

– shut up man, that I am damn touched by the. I just had to keep such a vestegnsdistance not to sit and cry in fjerneren, sounds it from her mentor, famous and best-selling.

While the rapper barely escapes the wet øjenvæske, so it is different to the out back.

– I was just about to hoot. Try to look over here, says Sofie Linde, while the camera spins around and shows the reaction of the bystanders.

she reaches through the eye of the needle can be seen tonight on TV2 at 20.

Already, yesterday it was revealed who the one of Oh Land’s composite groups. What you can see below:

Film, tv & radio – 14. feb. 2019 – at. 10:35 Here is Oh Land’s new girl group