Maarkedal politicians will have the deposit on cans as soon as possible to enter, find agriculture organisation General Boerensyndicaat (ABS) and environmental Recycling Network Benelux. Together with some farmers from Maarkedal, they perform action for the politicians to wake up. “No deposit it is mopping with the tap open.”

The farmers are the litter on their fields and the adjoining streets tired. Especially the cans that passers-by leave are detrimental to their cows. The big problem is that these cans during the mowing torn apart to smaller, sharp pieces which then, in the fodder of the cows end up. The so-called ‘cutting-in’. “Because cows are not selective eating, end up that sharp fragments in their stomachs. This allows the stomach wall to tear, or there may be inflammation,” says ABS chairman Hendrik Vandamme. “Each year, about 6,000 cows get sick by eating from cans. One third of them will die.” In addition to the suffering that has also a financial impact for the farmers. Farmers Paul Spileers and Katia Novel from Maarkedal made it already. “Two of our cows have become sick by cutting-in. One we have to euthanize, a other, we have, thanks to a magnet in the stomach more or less able to deliver”, tell them. Some farmers use it as a preventative measure maagmagneet to prevent the iron which is in the stomach ends up causing damage, but that is for cans of beverages actually no solution as that of aluminum.