The Berlin police President Barbara Slowik has expressed shocked over new evidence to the fatal accident at the Alexanderplatz, a year ago, and a “thorough investigation” promised. “To me, the message has reached, that in connection with the fatal road traffic accident on 29. January 2018 in the Grunerstr. in the center of Berlin new evidence becomes available,” said the authorities head on Wednesday morning via Twitter.

she was referring to reports that the driver of the police car, the car a year ago, close to the Alexander square in the middle of the small of a young woman was hit, apparently was drunk. A report of the “Berliner Morgenpost”, confirmed on Wednesday morning, the spokeswoman for the Berlin Prosecutor General’s office Silke Becker. In the accident on the Gruner road, the 21-year-old Fabien Martini died as reported.

“to exceed In Severity hardly

” “It is suspected that the driver was under the influence of alcohol during the accident,” said state attorney’s spokeswoman Becker. This knowledge could be from the patient documents of the driver can be derived, which gives the public Prosecutor’s office. After the accident, which happened around lunch time, had been treated by the police officer in a hospital, where a blood-alcohol had been found with a value of about 1.0 per mil. Still was not, however, proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the officer was drunk already at the time of accident. In the “morning post” is from “anonymous Notes” that the driver was also drunk when the fatal accident happened.

Slowik announced on Twitter now as follows: “The accident was horrible, to surpass in Severity. Even if questions of guilt and responsibility can, in principle, be resolved only after the end of the investigation with the judgment of the court, shaken by the mere suspicion. I assure the family that I’m going to help with full reprint and unreservedly to all for the education Required.”

impact with a minimum of 90 kilometers per hour

The police car should be driven at the Moment of impact, at least, Tempo 90, as it struck a year ago in the Renault by Fabien Martini. The accident happened on the left lane of the Gruner street diagonally behind the Red town hall, where on the median strip to Park cars. The 21-Year-old, the – statements to different stuff – just a – or ausparkte, was on a authorities tour, because two days later you wanted to open your coffee shop close to Checkpoint Charlie. She died at the scene.

travel in the rush? So the police looked the car after he had in January of 2018, the small cars of the 21-Year-old rammed.Photo: Maurizio Gambarini / dpa

From the analyses of the data memory of the two involved in the accident the car is clear according to the “morning post” that the young woman wanted to Park on the median strip, as the radio patrol car in the driver’s side of the Car raced. An analysis of the mobile phones also revealed that Fabien M. had not on the phone. The mobile phone, which had been in the footwell of the car found.

investigation due to danger in consequence of drunkenness

By this new knowledge will be determined against the driver of the police car now, not just for negligent homicide, said Prosecutor’s spokeswoman Becker. This also includes the suspicion of road traffic risk in consequence of drunkenness comes now. In what way is this a possible sentence changed, was not, however, predict a flat rate in advance, as a penalty depended always on the individual case.

The parents of Fabien Martini feel, like recently in a daily mirror report reported by the state alone. An experience that also made members of other accident victims. “We are striving to ensure that the determination process for the relatives is unbearable, as quickly as possible,” says attorney-spokesperson Becker. The driver of the police car, still no statement on the now known drunkenness. Now, the key is to verify the findings.

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After an accident in the center of Berlin, A life in ruins

Stefan Jacobs

What are the consequences of alcoholism of 1.0 parts per thousand, depends on the Person and the circumstances. To find possible consequences of information on various websites on the Internet. So extended as described on the page what happens from 0.8 parts per thousand: “a distinct lack of concentration, limitation of the field of view by 25 percent (tunnel vision), and decreased vision, reaction time by 30-50 per cent, euphoria, increased disinhibition, inflated self-esteem, balance disorders”. The condition between 1 and 2 per thousand is disturbed, described as a “rush the stage”, the consequences can be so summarized: “further deterioration of vision, spatial vision, increased disinhibition, and loss of critical ability, reaction ability, balance problems, confusion, speech disorders, orientation disorders”.