Osloskolen has been a success because of the attention on knowledge and results. The sitting commissioner does not have the same focus, and it will in time also show in the results. Therefore, it is important that the Right wins the elections in Oslo, says Solberg to the Newspaper.

Together with the Conservative ordførerkandidat Saida Begum langer she out against skolepolitikken which are carried by the the present coalition the city council in Oslo.

– Should the government succeed with integreringsløftet, we must succeed in Oslo. The results achieved in the Osloskolen, due to the fact that one has the tort to measure the students ‘ results. To skip the measurements and kartleggingsprøver is to take down kunnskapsparametere, and there is no good solution, ” she says.

PROVIDED: Yesterday Raymond Johansen (Ap) thinks the prime minister lacks understanding of the Oslo and call this measure the “direct embarrassing”. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB scanpix Show more

Aps yesterday in Oslo, norway Raymond Johansen believes the results show that Osloskolen has become even better after maktskiftet in the capital in 2015 and points at the free kjernetid in aktivitetsskolen (SFO) and 200 more teachers in småskolen.

Right need to stop talking down the country’s best school. Their solution can be summed up with one word: Competition. Right will measure the 3-year-olds, and in the previous period the desired party characters from the 5. step and prestasjonslønn for teachers. Students should not only learn basic skills, but also coding, creativity and critical thinking, ” he says.

Shelves Saida

It is bitterly cold in the capital when the Newspaper meets the prime minister and the Conservative ordførerkandidat Saida Begum in front of city hall.

Saida are even children of immigrants and a representative of the new Oslo. She is a good example of what we are talking about here, a very capable second generation of immigrants, ” says Solberg.

– democracy in the Uk is it good that young people can bekle such a position, but also that the children of immigrants can do it, she continues.

Solberg claims the Uk is good at integration in the she calls a generasjonsperspektiv.

– We see that andregenerasjonsinnvandrere doing well in terms of education and employment, ” she says.

While 26 percent of mothers with a pakistani background had a connection to the workplace in 1993, worked 79 percent of the daughters in 2016. Among Norwegian-born with immigrant parents from Africa, increasing the employment rate from 38 to 66 per cent in a generation.

the Challenge is to succeed with the first generation. In addition, there is a small group of boys as it does not go well with, and that due to the fact that we’re not good enough to help them early, ” says Solberg.


– perhaps The biggest political dividing line within integreringspolitikken in Oslo today, is all about learning a language in kindergarten. We suggested that it should be a goal that all children be able to English before they started school, but parties on the left voted this down, ” says Begum.

– The need to work systematically with good language teaching in any nursery, not just some, as in the day, she continues.

the Right will have a separate target for refugees in Oslo and introduce kartleggingsprøver for adult education

-We need to learn from osloskolen and have as a goal that 90 percent come out of education or work after completing a level. In Oslo this figure to 53 per cent today, ” says Begum.

Right will also make acquiring more praksisrettet and ensure that more get the opportunity to take the certificate and videgående training as part of the introduction.

– floating

Yesterday Raymond Johansen claims the prime minister does not understand Oslo or what was going on in the town during the 20 years of Right-commissioner of the city up to 2015.

– the Way the Right reviews own political history for children learning a language in Oslo is directly embarrassing and underestimate the memory of Oslo’s families, ” says Johansen.

” We inherited the nation’s longest barnehagekø and a prohibition to build municipal kindergartens. These are two of the reasons that so many students for so many years has begun on the Osloskolen without good enough English, ” he says.

the Ban is lifted we with one pen stroke. Now we open an average of a new kindergarten in a month, and has expanded to two barnehageopptak in the year. We have also introduced language requirements for employees in the kindergartens, in the schools and in the EARS to ensure that they can good enough Norwegian, and put in the time learning a language for those who do not meet the requirements, he continues.

Johansen also shows that Oslo would begin a pilot scheme in which cash assistance was replaced with activity for children and parents to better inclusion, something the government stated that it is not permitted.

Will have the open door

the Conservative ordførerkandidat says she feels at home in several places in the city, but has grown up on the Island in the west.

WILL BECOME the MAYOR: Saida Begum is the Right ordførerkandidat at the election in the fall. Photo: Bjørn Langsem Show more

Where was the open door to all the neighbors. I could go anywhere and play with the children or talk with the adults. The transparency that I met as a child, I hope all women meetings. To get to the integration, all set up, ” she says.

Begum shows that the proportion of council housing need to up west of the city, in order to contribute to a better balance between the people living in Oslo’s various districts.

– We will have more council housing in the west of Oslo, but versatility must be the reason. It’s not like that a family living at Tøyen should be forced to move westward. The point of the council is that there should be council housing throughout the city. And then we have to sell a number of homes where we have had many from before, ” she says.


– We will not settle immigrants in areas with high innvandrerandel from before, istemmer prime minister Erna Solberg and states that integreringspolitikken ultimately determines how many can come to Norway.

– Welcome, answer Raymond Johansen.

the Government will spread the refugees throughout the country

Settlement is a municipal concern, and our commissioner changed how we settles refugees. Now count for the first time innvandrerandel, and thus the majority of the refugees will be transferred in the western districts, ” says Ap-the top.

– this measure does not reveal anything other than the prime minister’s lack of knowledge about Right-the city council, the eyesore in Oslo East. They were refugees after innbyggerantall, which meant to place them in the large farms with municipal housing, on Oslo’s east side, ” continues Johansen.

He believes the prime minister is blind to klasseforskjellene in Oslo and shows that he himself has lived 50 years he lived for.

When I was growing up we had a white working class. Now, is social inequality disappeared in the metadebatten about ethnicity. This is a klassespørsmål, but it is spoken not about any longer. Many of those who sit at the bottom at the table, have a minority background. And similar kind of problems as what we see now, we have always had, regardless of ethnicity, ” he says.

Bragging about Frp

Saida Begum denies that it is a problem for her to cooperate with the progress party in Oslo, where the self-proclaimed nasjonalkonservative the forces used up during the nominasjonsmøtet recently.

– Some of the first who congratulated me when I was ordførerkandidat, was the progress party’s representatives in the city council. It is better to take the debate and argue about whether this measure comes from the political Right or from Masud Gharahkhani in the Labour party, ” she says.

– Antics provides HRS a half a million extra

the Government has been criticised for pengestøtten to innvandringskritiske Human Rights Service, but prime minister Erna Solberg (H) defend the allocation as the progress party in particular has was eager.

– There are many receivers we have on the state budget that have very intense views the other way, and saying dire things about the present government. We must endure to hear other opinions, and those who react, argue about, ” says Solberg and continues.

Those who disagree with the HRS should argue against the views rather than to say that these are the views we should suppress. I am against a meningsdiktatur that says that it is only the politically correct opinions that is to be supported below. That, I think, is simply dangerous. If there is a room to hear the other voices, or that it is perceived so, I think we have a more divided society.