The Federal Council has agreed today, however, as to whether the Maghreb countries are considered safe countries of origin. Thuringia had requested that the vote to suspend. The project would probably have failed on the Green.

The vote in the Bundesrat on the Maghreb countries as safe countries of origin has been postponed. The Vice-President of the Federal Council, Dietmar Woidke from Brandenburg stated that at the beginning of the session. A request was made to the state government of Thuringia.

Green announced rejection to

The Federal government wants to declare Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Georgia to safe countries of Origin. The Bundestag has approved the. In the past year, 7885 people had made from these four States for asylum. Before the meeting, it was clear that the law would find the draft of the Federal government in the countries of the chamber, not a majority, because of the countries, with government participation of the Green and the left party in Baden-Württemberg wanted to agree.

The parliamentary group of the Greens rejects the concept of safe countries of Origin in General. It also refers to the discrimination and persecution of Homosexuals in North Africa. Green party leader Anna Lena Baerbock said the ARD-capital Studio, the Green, be ready to talk about faster and fair asylum procedures, but not about the Instrument of Safe countries of origin. Her party will oppose the bill.

Union, angered

proponents of the Reform in the Union last had referred to the fact that asylum seekers from Georgia and the Maghreb States are more frequently offenders than the protection-seekers of other nationalities.

CSU land group chief Alexander Dobrindt threw the Green in the Newspapers of the Funke media group, an “ideological blockage”. You prevented this orderly process and a clear distinction between vulnerable and those who have no right to stay. The classification as a safe country of origin is a necessary measure in order to grant the Persecuted protection, but to prevent abuse, said Dobrindt.