There were only kind words for the newcomer in the round. She is looking forward to women’s gain, said about Belgium’s interior Minister, Maggie De Block, “among women, we will understand us for sure”. A little more cautious of Luxembourg Jean was, perhaps, Asselborn at the arrival and with a slightly ironic undertone: He didn’t know the new colleague, but the relations between Switzerland and the EU could be known, only better.

councillor Karin Keller-Sutter took part yesterday in Bucharest, for the first time at an informal Meeting of the justice and interior Ministers. It was like an Exercise in speed Dating. The reception was very warm, could the Minister of justice, already at the arrival at the pompous Palace of the Parliament report, which was to be built, nor were the times of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. Already on the eve of the current Romanian presidency of the EU had been invited to a Cocktail party. “The people were glad, and my choice in the Federal Council congratulated,” said Karin Keller-Sutter.


As a member of Schengen, Switzerland is for once a part of the club, and also predecessor, Simonetta Sommaruga has taken the opportunity to go to the Meetings. “That sure is a Chance, because it is constantly in contact with colleagues on a European level,” said Karin Keller-Sutter. So it started already at Breakfast, with a exchange on the subject of terrorism. Has interested the Swiss, among other things, the discussion of the jihadis, the returnees from the Islamic state. An issue of concern to all members of Schengen.

At lunch, under massive chandeliers and between marble columns, it was discussed how the cooperation in the Schengen area can be deepened. Karin Keller-Sutter got an appetizer plate, as well as a Vegiteller with salad and potatoes served. The Federal councillor, it seemed later in a session, pause a concern, with a view to the vote on the EU weapons Directive, the importance of Schengen membership to emphasise that Switzerland is right in the middle of Europe, part of this safety net.

The councillor described it as important that the so-called interoperability, the search system SIS is linked to the other databases. “I represented at the luncheon, the Position that the decisions are implemented and the necessary resources are provided.” This is important with a view to better protection of the external borders. In an interview with the media-creating the new Federal councillor was in her Element, put not only in style but also in content different accents than its predecessor.

more Important than the discussion in the large circle, the conversations at the edge.

The social Democrat Sommaruga, it was more a matter of solidarity and the redistribution of asylum seekers. But also in the EU, a shift has taken place towards the outer border. With a view on the refugee crisis in 2015, it seem to give the EU a Trauma, diagnosed newcomer Keller-Sutter. It must now be a priority, that the people were without a claim to Asylum in the Schengen area.

But more important, perhaps, than the discussion in the large circle, the conversations at the edge. The Romanian presidency had set up in the big marble halls of small cabins with tables for speed Dating. A bilateral conversation was led by the Swiss, for example, with the Austrians Herbert Kickl, it was agreed that an Ad-hoc distribution of the migrants from boats in the Mediterranean sea is not a solution. The create the wrong incentives and rewards are for the tractor. Dialogues there were, however, also with the Liechtensteiner colleague or EU migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos.

framework agreement

For Keller-Sutter of the trip to Bucharest was also a good opportunity for other topics to address. A Chance to the Swiss position on the European level, to make it clear. So, you could see the councillor right from the start on the edge in a lengthy discussion with Christian Leffler, Deputy Secretary-General of the European external action service. The man, therefore, in the negotiations on the framework agreement in a leading role. The faces were serious, the Federal councillor was accompanied by her Secretary of state, Mario Gattiker. You have tried, the EU chief negotiator the consultation process, to explain the government’s Position and the public mood in Switzerland.

no concessions could not get out of the Federal councillor. Karin Keller-Sutter, but gained the impression that Christian Leffler can now understand at least the Swiss Situation better. Maybe a solution is possible, if you could talk about the most controversial points. Luxembourg’s Jean Asselborn has anyway, as a true friend, and offered in the bilateral conversation before his help.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 07.02.2019, at 22:41