Ardooie Fee Vandenbunder (10), two years ago, one of the faces of Music For Life, sells calendars with her photo on and put her and the ‘rospotten’. Her battle against leukemia, she has not yet completely won, but the treatment has them behind the back. During the most difficult period felt Fairy and her family is greatly supported by Warriors Against Cancer. Now do Fairy anything for them back.

The girl from Koolskamp has a difficult period behind it. In april 2016 was leukemia in her set. The beginning of two years of treatments, in which they not could go to school and the lessons at home followed by Bednet. In that period, learned to Flanders know her as one of the faces of the Music For Life action 2016. Today goes much better with Fairy. “Since september last year, I go back to school and since the 18 of april is my treatment behind. However, I must still be bi-weekly to check on the hospital in Roeselare and to the six weeks in Ghent,” says Fee. “That is always with a scared heart”, it picks up mama Mieke Vandaele. “We are simply not yet really sure. The treatment is also what Fee against the leukemia-protected not more. I don’t think we will ever dare to say that she is cured.” Fairy there is, however, adamant. “I think there is no more. Relapses will not happen,” she says decidedly.


During her fight could Fairy and her family rely on the support of several organisations. “Nine charities I have recently are all highlighted in my report, in the classroom,” says Fee. “I wanted to show how important it is to have such a business to support. In addition, I would give back something.” But all nine is too many, therefore, chose Fairy one. “I have not chosen for Bednet, Make-a-Wish foundation or other large organization that is fairly well-known and already a lot of support, but for the Warriors Against Cancer.” They organize photo shoots for people fighting cancer to their self-esteem and self-confidence to boost, pamper days and weekends on the legs and also help your financial affairs for which the NIHDI not intervention. “I took already part in five photo shoots, went on a pamper day and try-out weekend and they came between the cost of m’s psychotherapist,” says Fee.

With the photos of one of those shoots was a desk calendar. “My photo is in the month of december, because I was than birthday. Together with mama, I try as much as possible calendars to sell. To friends, family, at the bakery,… Also, we put in several places ‘rospotten’. I want as many pennies to collect for Warriors Against Cancer. On Saturday the 23rd of december we will go to the Warmest Week for the check to give.”

Who Fairy in her mission wants to help, can order a calendar through or 0478/65.08.36. You pay 12 euro per piece.