“Feltryckarna made the amendments in the EU”

“A key loss in the EU parliament would actually have been a victory – if only all had pressed the right button.”

“Feltryckarna prevented the members from getting to vote on the amendments in the controversial proposal on copyright on the internet, shows a review from the news site Europa.”

“the EU parliament said Tuesday yes to the deal on the new copyright laws with 348 votes to 274. Just before that, there was a proposal to vote on the changes rejected by a narrow margin, 312 to 317.”

“early on Tuesday, it turned out, however, that a number of members förvirrats of what was actually against and what that was for when it came to giving the go-ahead to vote on the changes.”

“Europa has now counted up how many who afterwards declared that they did wrong – and notes that the parliament really would have said yes to a vote on amendments, if only all were printed as they thought.”

“According to the Europa website has the nine members of the ex-post announced that they intend to vote for the amendment, but accidentally vote the contrary – including the swedes, Peter Lundgren (SD), and Kristina Winberg (SD). A tenth would also have voted for, but voted not at all. Another had intended to abstain, but happened to vote against.”

“Two members – including the Swedish Marita Ulvskog (S) – had, in turn, intended to vote against the amendment, but happened to vote for.”

“in Addition to the Swedish had the Czech republic and France, the two feltryckare was, while the other felare came from Belgium, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Germany, Poland and Romania.”

“the Total would thus result 312-317 really have been 319-314. It had, in turn, could mean that some of the controversial sections about links and uploads would have been able to change.”

” I think it is very unfortunate that you vote the wrong just in the vote, which was perhaps the most important. It would have been good if you had been voting on the amendments, says Swedish mep Malin Björk (V) to Europa.”

“the Members of the EUROPEAN parliament may, after a normal vote, a so-called röstkorrigering if it is proved that the printed error. The correction can however not change the result in retrospect.”

“the EUROPEAN commission in september 2016 forward a proposal for a modernised copyright rules in order to adapt them to the digital developments that have taken place since the previous regulations were introduced from the beginning of the 00’s.”

“the Proposal has, however, been a strong debate, not least because of its references to compensation at the time of linking (in its article 11, now renamed to article 15), and how the uploading of unauthorized material shall be checked (article 13, now renamed to article 17), which received the critics to talk about”

“the EUROPEAN parliament stated in a vote on Tuesday fixed the compromise that the EUROPEAN parliament’s negotiators have agreed on with the EU member states. The question is now going to be determined definitely by the EU-countries in the council of ministers, most likely, on 9 april.”