“Fewer elderly women spit in the glass”

“A glass of wine on a weeknight? Okay think more and more women, indicating the 2018 edition of the IQ’s alkoholindex.”

“While the trend is toward a more liberal view of alcohol among older women draws younger men to the opposite direction.”

“– the Generation that lived during the mellanölstiden when it was more liberal’ve gotten older, ” says Mats Ramstedt, head of research at the central union for alcohol and other drugs, CAN.”

“Traditionally, men have more permissive views on alcohol than women. Likewise, the younger a more liberal attitude than older people. The difference has, however, decreased over time, particularly among older and middle-aged women who become more permissive at the same time as the younger men become more restrained. Attitudes to alcohol are translated by the IQ to an index where values above 50 indicate a restrained approach to alcohol, while values below 50 a more liberal view.”

“In 2018, the year of measurement, women have on average an index at 65.8, which is a reduction from 67,3 when surveys started in 2010. The men’s average of 57,1, on the other hand, an increase from 56,0 in the year 2010. Most obvious will be the change for women over the age of 75. For this group of lands 2018 year index of 80,5 compared with 86,6 when surveys started in 2010. During the same period, the index for men between the ages of 16 and 24 years of age increased from 46.2 to 53,6.”

“Different ways to socialize.”

“According to Karin Hagman, ceo of IQ, the strong health trend among young people in combination with new forms of interaction via social channels to be a contributing factor to the young men made more restrictive view on alcohol. Older women on the other hand, living a completely different life today than their mothers did.”

“– They hang out a lot and socialising and I think also in question does affect their drinking habits, ” she says.”

“According to figures from the CAN, the reported alcohol consumption, however, decreased since 2004. The proportion of men with riskkonsumtion is estimated to be almost twice as large as the proportion of women.”

“2018 years alkoholindex also suggests a somewhat more liberal approach to parents offering their children on alcohol. In 2018, said 65 percent of the respondents in 2018 that it was ”

“International perspective”

“This change worries Karin Hagman.”

“– What you do is you teach your own children to drink.”

“According to Mats Ramstedt, the trend against the existing research in the area shows that fewer and fewer young people say that they are invited on the alcohol of their parents.”

“He also stresses that Sweden, in a european perspective, has a restrictive view on young people’s drinking.”

“– A comparative european study showed that about 20 per cent in Sweden think that it is the parents who should decide when the children will start drinking alcohol, compared with about 50 per cent in other european countries.”

“To be drunk when the kids are with is something that 86 percent of respondents believe is”

“– You do not need to be superfull for a child to experience it as unpleasant. It is about your voice changes, you become different, and for a child it is very hard for me to understand.”

“Novus annual alkoholindex is made on behalf of the subsidiary IQ and is based on answers to questions regarding the swedes’ attitudes to alcohol.”

“Attitudes are presented as an index where a high number corresponds to a restrictive attitude to alcohol, while a low number corresponds to a more liberal stance.”

“In this year’s survey was about 4 000 interviews.”

“Riskkonsumtion is defined as consumption of at least 14 standard drinks for men and nine standard drinks for women a week or a time of högkonsumtion in the last 30 days.”

“Intensivkonsumtion means drinking the equivalent of a bottle of wine or more at the same time.”

“the Concept of riskkonsumtion include both long – and short-term risks of harm due to alcohol consumption.”

“A higher proportion of men are riskkonsumenter.”

“the Highest proportion of riskkonsumenter are in the group of 17-29 years.”

“the Lowest percentage is among 65-84-year-olds.”