It provides a very special satisfaction to fire up a chainsaw, dappe a few times on the gas, and let the machine gnawed into a tree, so wood chips are to all sides, all the while the tribe tremble under the many forces. The chainsaw is for many the ultimate toys, but for professionals, it is also a highly prized tool, which is in the hands of thousands of hours, and so it is important that you have the very best.

Professional and testchef is Henrik Holmgård, lcd tv at Frederiksdal Skovdistrik in the north of Zealand. He has been as a woodman in 32 years, so he has tried a little of each.

today We have three machines in the woods from the Johnsered, Husqvarna and Stihl, all of which are all-purpose machines. All three are on the 50 cubic and has the 3.8 hp.

– They are brandgode all three. Johnsered and Husqvarna are virtually identical, it is almost only the exterior that is different, explains Henrik Holmgård.

According to him, the differences between the three machines is minimal, but it is not a bad thing, because the design has evolved over 40 to 50 years, and this is why all three machines are optimized, and both the Johnsered and Husqvarna have even heating of the handle.

Stihl has many good details, but is also a little clumsy. Photo: Heidi Skibsted

– One can say that tanklåget is a little cumbersome on the Husqvarna and Johnsered, in each case compared to the Stihl. There is a risk that the lid opens because of the shaking, so you really have to be sure it is well clamped, otherwise you all of a sudden, with the oil down of the pants. Stihl has a completely different system, in which one flips a button up and comes, and it will not go up by itself.

All three machines have electronic injection, so there is no hassle to adjust the carburetor or the sort. But because the Johnsered and Husqvarna are virtually identical, many of the same mistakes again on the two machines. Among other things, the two machines have a half minutes of time, before they go purely for cold start, and it may well be annoying, Henrik explains Holmgård.

– You will, of course, started with the same, and so one should not stand and wait. For example, if you take a break, so they are quickly cold again here in the winter. So it can actually be a nuisance, that they are not going to clean.

Henrik Holmgård has several things that he think may be a problem with just the two machines. Barkstødet, that is, the spikes, which wedges the saw firmly against the tree, might be sharper, so they took the better fixed. Stihl has also a clear advantage in its construction, for it has its koblingsskål the inside, whereas the other two have their outside.

– Immediately means it is not so much, but if you put your sword stuck in a tree, so you can’t screw the body on the Johnsered and Husqvarna. It can be on the Stihl because you can get the chain apart. It can not be the other two, so there, you have to cut the chain, if you need to save the saw, Henrik explains Holmgård.

however, There is one important point where the two ’twins’ from Husqvarna and Johnsered differ. The handle to the left hand is right on the Johnsered, whereas it is slightly bent on the Husqvarna and in fact, also Stihl, and it makes the two machines more ergonomic, for example, at the branch, than the machine from the Johnsered.

Johnsered is the least ergonomic of the three machines. Photo: Heidi Skibsted

Stihl’s biggest drawback is that it seems more clumsy in the hands, considers Henrik Holmgård.

– It is such a little more awkward and edgy to get around with. It must be something with the weight and construction, which means that it is a little more clumsy to use, when you need to branches of the. That works actually a little clumsy.

It means a lot in this size of chainsaw, which one often uses the machines to cut and purge in the woods, where mobility is important.

And so we come to the end, even though the three machines is extremely close, and there has been fought to the last tooth on the chains, so there can only be one winner. And it is not Johnsered, for the get third place, because this is the least ergonomic. The fight for first place is, however, extremely close, and if it’s not, because you are pushing testchefen, so he took both Stihl and Husqvarna.

Husqvarna takes victory, among other things, because it is the most ergonomic. Photo: Heidi Skibsted

But because Husqvarna is more easy to swing around, gaining the first position just in front of the Stihl, and thus become the best professional all-round chainsaw.

true to form, we are also a best for the price, and the get the Stihl’one without a doubt, it is significantly cheaper than the other two machines.