“Finnish ex-police chief suspected of aiding and abetting the murder of Swedish”

“”Had been able to stop the murder of Volkan Ünsal””

“the Scandal grows around the past narkotikapolischefen Jari Aarnio, 61. “

“Now suspected he of involvement in the murder of the swede Volkan Ünsal – who was murdered in 2003, and he revealed the details of Arlandarånet.”

“the Police think that Jari Aarnio been able to stop Leo Carmona and Janne Raninen from to murder his childhood friend.”

“The unlikely story of ex-police chief Jari Aarnio takes new vändingar. He was head of the narcotics division in the Finnish capital of Helsinki at the same time that he organized the drug smuggling.”

“Now suspected he even felonies – the police investigation shows that he could have stopped the brutal murder of svenskturkiske Volkan Ünsal, who was strangled with a scart cable.”

“It was Janne Raninen who murdered his barndomskompis, Volkan Unsal, on behalf of another barndomskompis, Leo Carmona.”

“Leo Carmona acknowledged Arlandarånet”

“It all started with Arlandarånet July 12, 2002.”

“Just after the clock 22 in the evening landed a SAS-flight from London at the airport and on board was precious cargo: 15 sacks of cash from Hong kong the Royal Bank and the Royal Bank of Scotland.”

“Three armed men in the SAS Cargo-clothes, emptied the cargo compartment while the fourth stayed in the car. The robbers got record fee of 44 million after having entered the runway through an unattended gate at the airport.”

“today has not a single crown was found and the case solved. After Arlandarånet preskriberades the summer of 2017 admitted livstidsdömda Leo ”the Chinese” Carmona that he was one of the robbers, which police suspected for a long time.”

“But far earlier contacted Volkan Ünsal police investigators to tell what he knew about rekordrånet. In October 2003 he was murdered in an apartment in Helsingsforsstadsdelen of the District.”

“the Body was never found.”

“Despite the fact that the body was never found sentenced four persons to the law’s maximum penalty for involvement in the assassination. The family of Leo Carmona paid a half million Swedish kronor to Ünsal would die and convicted for incitement to murder. Janne Raninen carried out the murder and a further two men were sentenced to life in prison.”

“Together they founded the Leo Carmona and Janne Raninen known hiphopgruppen the Cartel when they sat in the Riihimäkifängelset in Finland.”

“the Police believe that the murder was a revenge for the fact that Unsal had stolen the money and told the police about who was behind the Arlandarånet.”

“Leo Carmona has claimed another motive: To Volkan Ünsal dödshotade him.”

“— All became even worse after the robbery. It all culminated in that people became greedy and tried to rob of a few that have been with us. It was a soup. People started mordhota each other. Finally culminating in a murder, a murder that I sit for, ” said Carmona in a interview with Aftonbladet when the autobiography the Game, the game is released.”

“Smuggled hashish in the barrels”

“the Police have all the time believed that there was more involved than what you could prove and 2015 opened the case file again. One of the new suspects is precisely the former police chief Jari Aarnio.”

“the Scandal surrounding the narkotikabrottsdömde 61-year-old continues to grow.”

“It was during 2011 and 2012 as a man who went under the police codename ”Bölemannen” led a knarkliga in Helsinki. Via a dozen mobile phones was the person in contact with the smugglers who brought the 791 kilos of hashish in Finland in the barrel from the Netherlands.”

“the Phone could be linked to the Jari Aarnio and his double life was revealed. Some of the evidence they were 65 000 eur, which was found in a buried plastic bucket in his garden. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison 2016.”

“”Had been able to stop the killing ‘”

“During the Wednesday became the new investigation on the murder of Volkan Ünsal finished and Jari Aarnio is now officially notified of suspicion of involvement in the murder. The investigators believe that he had been able to stop killing if he wanted to.”

“Aarnio is suspected of having neglected his police duty to prevent and disclose the deed, although he had been aware of the plans, known to the victim, and knew who planned to perform the deed.”

“The former police chief had a specific legal obligation and opportunity to prevent the murder, writes the national bureau of investigation and the Prosecutor’s office of Eastern Uusimaa in a press release. Two other police officers suspected of misconduct in connection with the murder. The police officers should have known what information their boss to make a complaint on the matter.”

“Now comes the prosecutor to go through the finished investigation to determine if there is enough to prosecute.”