“Fire in the radhuslänga – are stated completely in flames”

“A radhuslänga in Järfälla outside Stockholm is in full fire. “

“the Building with six apartments is said to be completely in flames and the risk to nearby houses.”

“– I walked around the wing to see that people had come out, says the neighbor Mats Jonsson. “

“When the rescue service was alerted about a fire in a radhuslänga in Järfälla was the data that it came smoke from the roofs. “

“once in place, it has been seen that radhuslängan is completely in flames. “

“– There are open flames on the roof. It also keeps on and spread to the wing next to. The whole wing is in flames right now, ” says Ulf Tholén, räddningsoperatör at ssbf. “

“According to the emergency information to the residents in the affected apartments have managed to get themselves out of the homes. “

“Mats Jonsson lives in radhuslängan opposite and could from his balcony to see how the fire started, struck at the balconies on the other side. Then he went off to ensure that the people taken out. “

“– Many stood on the paved trail just a few metres from the houses, on the page it is not burned. In the nearest houses were all out, he says to Aftonbladet. “

“He appreciates that the fire started just before seven. At 07.45-time was the worst of the flames extinguished, but the large puff of smoke appeared from the building. “