Friday, save the children published its decision to fire secretary-general of the Jonas Keiding Lindholm.

He has over the past three years has been at the forefront of the organization’s in Denmark, but there is evidence to suggest that in the years has been an unhealthy leadership style in the halls of the head office in Copenhagen.

Jonas Keiding Lindholm management style has supposedly been so tough and cash, to more in the management of the course of 2018 has had enough of the now former secretary-general and said up.

The fired secretary-general has been a part of save the children in 14 years, but he must now on the hunt for a new job.

Landsformanden of the organization, Lars Svenning Andersen, explains to Ekstra Bladet, that through the past few months have been aware that a switch on the topposten was necessary.

– We note some disagreements about the management style in the context of our strategy work. At the same time, we have to conclude, that within the last months are five of our senior staff, while we also have experienced written sick leaves. That’s why I had to have a chat with the management and the people who have left us to get a picture of what has happened.

the President explains that an internal investigation of the Jonas Keiding Lindholms management style has resulted in Friday’s firing.

– It turns out that it has a lot to do with the fact that Jonas has a very direct, some would say tough personal leadership style. And it does not match with our values, which is about collaboration, transparency and respect for the views of others, he elaborates.

Lars Svenning Andersen stresses that the former secretary-general in its three-year period as head far along the way have done a good job.

But Jonas Keiding Lindholm has been ‘over-ambitious’, as the Red Child’s national chairman puts it.

– Jonas has done very well for us over the years, but the problem is that he is very ambitious. It is usually very happy, but if put into that management style becomes unacceptable, and you push people in a way that is not acceptable to make unreasonable demands, is it suddenly not working.

at the same time, states Lars Svenning Andersen, that in no way is an inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature behind the firing.

Red the Child’s chief financial officer, Thomas Reidar Andersen, is appointed as the temporary secretary-general, to found a permanent replacement.

the Article continues under the picture …

save the children in Denmark has an annual budget of approximately 500 million kroner. Photo: ritzau Scanpix/Finn Frandsen

the CONFRONTATION: Fired secretary-general takes responsibility

Red the child had last year 163 employees in Denmark, but it has not been all that have been equally excited for the top chef.

Jonas Keiding Lindholm admits to Ekstra Bladet that his leadership style has had an influence on that several employees under him have said.

– This is due to several things. We have been through a very big transformation in the organization the past three years. I have been to stand together with the leadership, and I am proud of the results we have created. but it is clear that I must acknowledge, that the road thither has not been good enough, when some employees would settle on me and settle on the development of the organization.

– Employees have, according to Lars Svenning Andersen is not felt that there was a healthy work environment in the Red the Child. Are you agree with it?

I have also found, and that is not something that I’m upset. It has never been my goal, to employees, who give their lives to help children in need, not to thrive in the workplace.

– Lars Svenning Andersen tells you that you have been very tough in your leadership style. Can you recognize the image of yourself?

– There is no doubt that it has been three tough years with a very ambitious strategy in relation to the starting point we had. The result is that we have reached out to many more children and volunteers engaged in the organization. So, the question is whether it has been done in a proper pace, and whether you can expect so much by employees, he says, and continues:

– I am down in the deepest chamber of my soul, after this has happened, to reflect on what my share in it here. And it is clear that it is me who is responsible for the pace and shape. It has been a high tempo with great expectations to the employees. Employees have the course faster, and it beats some on. I understand, and I acknowledge that there has been a very direct tone.

– do you Think that the blame also lies with the other in management, or is it something that you should have done differently?

– No, I do not believe that it does. I have had the responsibility to deliver on our strategy. I also had the responsibility to go back to the board, if I felt that there were enough resources to deliver on the strategy, and I have not done that. It will say that I have wanted to move the organization to a different place at a high pace, but I have not been paying enough attention, that resources should follow.

– Therefore, I have pushed employees beyond what you can probably expect, and I have discovered too late, recognizes the Jonas Keiding Lindholm.