emergency Services during the night of Saturday to a boligbrann in Skien. The police got the message about the fire at 4.15 in the night, and the fire department quickly gained control of the flames.

A female inmate at the start of the 20-years was alone in the house when the fire started. The woman got in it a certain amount of smoke, but the condition should not be serious.

A firefighter was also easier injured in connection with the slukningsarbeidet.

As I have understood it, then it is possible he has got some power under the slukningsarbeidet, says operasjonsleder André Kråkenes in the South-East police district to the Newspaper.

a Few hours after the message about the fire came in, went to police ten the apprehension of a man in the middle of 40-years, which is now suspected of ildspåsettelse.

– He was arrested on the basis of observations of a politipatrulje had done in the same area in front of the fire, ” says Kråkenes.

Politipatruljen had seen the man in the same area just before the fire started.

– Technical findings on the site did that we were able to connect the fire with the man who is now suspected.

the Incident is designated as serious, when there was a person in the house when the fire started.

– There was a person present in the house, and it will probably have an impact on any prosecution, says Kråkenes.