The first proof of the ‘yellow shirts’, on november 30 took place, has for more than 55,000 euros in damages caused. Reports that Inge Paemen, spokeswoman for Brussels Mobility.

A vijfhonderdtal activists put Friday, november 30, the quantity on stilts during the first demonstration of ‘yellow vests’ in the centre of the city. Especially at the height of Madou founded the protesters a lot of harm to, among others, to a yard of Brussels Mobility. There was not only werfmateriaal destroyed, but also road signs and traffic lights. Also at the height of the Rue de la loi and the Regentlaan had different set of traffic lights and signs are sacrified. the

“In total, the damages of 55,000 euros”, says the spokeswoman for Brussels Mobility. “We have only the damage to the regional roads is calculated, the damage to the local road infrastructure is the responsibility of the municipalities. Brussels Mobility has also filed a complaint against unknown persons, from a principle. All damage must be repaired.” In addition, for the first time, proof also two politiecombi’s on fire. the

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For the demonstrations of december 8, and last weekend Brussels Mobility is still no calculation of the damage. Those amounts would be somewhat lower.