Since the summer of 2018 receive a the unemployed a head start when applying to certain jobs. The employer must notify the Regional employment centres (RAV) open positions for occupational groups with high unemployment five working days prior to the public invitation to tender. The aim is that as many jobs are filled by domestic workers.

For thousands of job seekers with health problems or a disability of this national priority, however, does not apply. These people today would be excluded categorically from the principle of national priority, criticised SP-Councillor Pascale Bruderer. People with disabilities are excluded twice as often from the labour market, such as those without a Handicap.

broad-based political support

Bruderer, therefore, requires a procedural request that the IV-Set time in the future equal access to the RAV notified Bodies. “Because it doesn’t matter why someone is searching. Also, the IV-job-seekers must benefit from the principle of national priority.” Bruderers Motion was filed on Thursday and 30 members of the Council of States signed. The adoption of the Motion by both councils is therefore as good as certain.

The IV is trying to bring every year, several 10’000 people with health problems into the labour market or to get to your workplace. The principle is “rehabilitation before pension”. The IV has its own work placement. The IV helps the Affected in the preparation of application dossiers, Writing letters of application or in preparing for job interviews.

in 2018, managed the IV, about 21’000 people in the labour market. However, in two thirds of cases, the preservation of an already existing employment relationship that was at risk due to health problems. At just under 7000 people could give IV a job in a new company.

For Bruderer is open, as the time Information to the IV-Set is ensured in the future. The best possibility is that the IV have access to the get platforms, the RAV, and this is appropriate for your clients scan. The applicable regulation provides that the RAV within the employers of three days for the notified Vacancies Dossiers of unemployment. The employer must then invite “suitable” candidates to the interview and the RAV to tell whether or not you hire the candidate. If employers violate any of the bodies reporting obligation, threaten you with fines of up to 40’000 Swiss francs.

Over 20’000 reportable

The Swiss employers’ Association welcomes the expansion of the national primacy on the IV-job-seekers. This an additional Chance of a job offer. In addition, significant potential could be exploited in order to reduce the due to the demographic development, the threat of a labour shortage, says Martin Kaiser from the employers ‘ Association.

at the end of February were reported in the RAV 37’000 open positions. Under 23’000 of the reporting obligation. It is mainly in the catering and hospitality industry and the construction industry.

Currently, employers must report the RAV Vacancies for vocational kinds, whose unemployment rate is above 8 percent. From next year, this threshold is 5 percent. The so-called national priority light has been adopted by the Parliament on the implementation of the immigration initiative of the SVP. How successful the RAV in the mediation of domestic make are, in addition, no evaluation is currently available. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 22.03.2019, 18:20 PM