“Flygskam can get us to fly in the sly”

“Scientists are overconfident – our flying must reduce if we are to achieve the climate objectives. Opinion leaders in the network are now trying to get us there by social pressure – to cultivate a kind of flygskam.”

“But the risk is that it may instead lead to”

“On Instagram creates right now account.”

“the People behind the account would not appear in public. They have tried to push their issues openly in the past, but encountered blockages and hatkommentarer, they write to the TT. Now they want to test whether a more direct approach to the known influerare is more effective.”

“For example, you chose the named person as shown on his travels in social media, and indicates the carbon emissions for each trip, with the question,”

“It shall no longer be of high social status to show that you are flying too far, they think. “

“Shame is a fundamental sense, and one of our strongest,” explains Frida Hylander, a licensed psychologist who runs the web-based platform Klimatpsykologerna.”

“– Shame has as a function to get us to adjust to the group. It is a regulator of the social rules of the game, ” she says.”

“It makes us feel bad, and sometimes the shame turned to anger.”

“– So it can be for groups who are very invested in the fly, like many influerare is. They may be sponsored by companies to showcase their trips. Then it is a very big step to stop flying.”

“Shame sometimes that we change the behavior, but it is not certain that we always adapt ourselves,” she explains. It can also do so that we do things in secret – if flying becomes shame, it can get us. ”

“the Emissions from aviation must be reduced, if we are to achieve the two-degree target for global warming,” explains Jörgen Larsson, a researcher with a focus on aviation and sustainable consumption at Chalmers university in Gothenburg, sweden. He has examined how the swedes flying and climate change evolved.”

“– How much the swedes aviation emissions need to reduce depends on how fast the emissions from the other areas is reduced. There is much to suggest that our aviation emissions need to reduce by at least half by the year 2050.”

“Certainly, many hope that the technology developed towards fuel that produces less emissions, but it must be done very quickly, according to Jörgen Larsson.”

“In the tour operator Ving tells presskommunikatören Barbro Holmberg to this with flygskam and climate change is a big issue.”

“– We have not examined the flygskam. But we think that if you choose to travel by plane to read on, and find out which airlines have the least impact, ” she says.”

“the Psychologist Frida Hylander agree with Jörgen Larsson if we have to stop flying to the extent we do now. But she does not believe that shame and guilt is particularly useful as a method if we do not find ways to take us further from the shame and the blame. We need to find other meaningful activities and sustainable way to travel.”

“– It will not be sustainable in the long term to live in guilt and shame, ” she says.”

“Jörgen Larsson don’t think too much on flygskam.”

“– The most important must be political instruments. Klimatångest and flygskam can do that the whole climate change becomes negative and dull, and just about refrain from the flight.”

“Both he and Frida Hylander think that other, positive, options for our holidays. For example, railroads or attractive, more close to the destination.”

“at the same time, we need to allow us to ensure the long flights as the future, we will not be able to treat us,” explains Frida Hylander.”

“– We must find that it is hard to not fly any longer. It has given us plenty to get the trip as we have done, ” she says.”

“Total corresponded to the greenhouse gas emissions from the flights in 2017 around 10 million tonnes of carbon dioxide – about as much as the emissions from all passenger cars in Sweden. Privatresorna accounts for four-fifths, and the missions for a fifth.”

“Since 1990, emissions from the flying rose by 47%, but since the year 2000, the increase has leveled off.”

“Swede’s emissions is also five times greater than the global average of 1.1 tonnes of carbon dioxide per person in 2017, against the average global level of 0.2 tonnes per person.”

“at the same time the report points to the fact that our carbon emissions must decrease substantially in order to come close to global warming, if a warming of 2 degrees.”

“Source: Jörgen Larsson and Anneli Kamb, Chalmers university of technology”

“the Airline KLM has in recent years allowed to investigate how the swedes look at their flying and thoughts about the environmental impact of aviation. The survey is an online questionnaire, where 1 000 people in a representative sample of between 18 and 65 years of age has been consulted, among other things, if they see aviation as an environmental problem, if they get a bad conscience when they fly and if they will continue to fly.”

“It turns out that the swedes are ambivalent. Sure, flight is a problem from the environmental point of view think 69 per cent of respondents, but only 43 percent intend to fly less or not at all. 48 percent intend to fly to the same extent – a reduction from 2017, 62 percent intend to continue as before.”

“But the flying chafe still in the soul – 47% often or sometimes feel guilty for his flying.”

“the Right few, just 11 percent think that the airline’s sustainability profile is important when they book a trip.”