the SPD is the only party in the world, in which the counter-revolution is faster than the Revolution? In each Tiger the same as the bed rug end? The ridicule was great, when it became clear that the SPD outside in spite of the sensational choice of two left-pus, the Grand coalition with the CDU and CSU would not leave immediately.
In the decision, as the Congress decided, sensibly. Although the new Chairman, Norbert Walter-Borjans, and Saskia esque your choice, especially the promise of thanks, from the “government prison” finally break out.
The SPD is prepared for the possibility of new elections is bad.
The Problem of the SPD is, that for an exit is no good reason – apart from the dissatisfaction with themselves and with their values in the polls. The mid-term review, the Congress was just, well, lists pages and pages of “great successes” of the social democratic government work. The smaller coalition partner-may not always prevail, is self-evident.
Sensible of the whereabouts but also because the SPD is prepared for the possibility of new elections is bad. The newcomers esque and Walter-Borjans, must arrive in the office for the first time. Are you still not in the position to lead the party in the election campaign – not to mention a candidacy entirely. And then the hand is still fixed to fear: Currently, at least one-third of the Bundestag would have to fear members to lose their mandate.
The build-up, the pull up impressed, however, moderately.
at the same time, Walter-Borjans, and esque can’t cash in their criticism of the Govern with the Union simply to damage its credibility irreparably. That’s why you will talk to the Union again about “new goals”. You want to improve the policy of the coalition “” or still end. The build-up, the pull up impressed, however, moderately. The Union also knows that the SPD elections in their current state, really can not afford.
more Likely, therefore, that the new bosses give some of the new compromise and the Won as “the beginning of the new beginning” will be prices. That would be, however, precisely the combination of high-flying promises and the real timidity and the depressed, the SPD for years. From this case, it is for the party until Further notice, no way out – new, top-of or ago.
Created: 06.12.2019, 19:08 PM