It is a test of courage: You are standing in a small chamber, puts the hands to the shoulders, and waits. The Countdown counts down far too quickly – then pulls it away to the bathers the ground under their feet. Almost perpendicular to the grass through the tube into the depth. For a few seconds to breathe is impossible. No question: The two free-fall are the Highlights of the “Rulantica”, the new water world of Europa Park’s slides.

In the eye of the hurricane

Several high-speed slides make for a lot of Fun. “Stormvind”, for example, can be one or two bathers on a tire in a funnel ride. In the eye of this hurricane, the ride then goes more in depth. For a lot of screaming when the first visitors to the Park the trip made on the “Vinter Rytt”: The chute leads to a steep wall, to learn where for the fraction of a second, the feeling of weightlessness, before the pulls of gravity with up to four people occupied the tires mercilessly in the depths. The “Isbrekker” is, however, a rapid slide that ends well above the water level: The case of basin to the depth of the inevitable and makes a lot of Fun.

That “Rulantica” belongs to the Europa Park, is obvious: The water world is designed as the amusement Park next door lovingly. Many of the small Details take the visitors in a fantasy world, which is borrowed from Nordic mythology. Here there are Islands, streams, caves, stalactites, beaches, or ships. Aware of the family business, Mack has waived for their water world of tropical landscapes – as seen in similar Aqua worlds often.

Fun in the wild river

Tropical are in “Rulantica” only the temperatures. Because these are outside of the impressive great hall, autumn deep, visited the outdoor area on the opening day hardly. There is a large Pool with a Swim-up Bar. The sun is expected to be used up in the spring, hardly ever. The second outer area is the “Vildstrom”, a current pool, a stream is modeled. There, bathers can be washed at low water depth through countless curves. The several Hundred children who were allowed to try out the water Park on the opening day, have Fun on this untamed water visibly your.

In the center of the “Rulantica” is a big wave, which is created in the Form of an artificial beach. On many you can comfortably take a breather Lie. Because, as in any water Park, bathing is associated with a certain degree of physical exertion. Who wants to slip into the deep, you must first climb the stairs. As the Europe Park “Rulantica is” a pleasure for the whole family. There are in the hall, an area for little children: In the “Trolldal” you can have fun on several children’s slides and a paddling pool let off steam.

payment by means of Chips on the wrist

That the creators of the Europa Park, which is considered to be one of the best amusement parks in the world, know how to earn money, is in the “Rulantica” visible: In several of the Restaurants and Bars you can eat, drink. Is paid to the Chip that you wear on your wrist. In the water world, the Mack family wants to earn with Merchandising money. Several outlets are discreetly placed in the Aquapark. Anyone who wishes particular comfort, you can also rent for 290 Euro a “Hydda”. The are Lounge areas with great views. There are private Beds for four persons, refrigerator and personal catering services.

“Rulantica” has it all, so that families can enjoy. Points of criticism there is little, If one spends a whole day in the water world, you could press the cool Design and the subdued light in the hall, something on the mind. In particular, when the weather is so gloomy as at the opening day. A little potential for improvement in the labels. Not all trails are to be found right away easily.

If the water Park is filled with 3500 visitors, will also form the one or the other queue. Even on the opening day with only a few Hundred visitors, it is needed in the case of the free-fall slides, a few minutes of patience. You will be rewarded with a test of courage and a lot of Fun.

Created: 29.11.2019, 10:41 PM