The last few weeks, today’s tredeling of foreldrepermisjonen created great debate. Stortingspolitikerne Anette Trettebergstuen, (AP), Guri Melby (V) and Kari Elisabeth Kaski (SV) have all followed and participated in the debate because a large majority in Parliament voted for the change last summer.

The occasionally inflamed the debate do, that the three politicians now want to show that they stand up for pappapermisjonen, and reassure men who worry about whether they can lose the current expansion of the quota.

Relax guys, no one should touch their 15-week pappapermisjon.

We need two leave, not unless the paternity leave Debate – A place must it go

I’m not surprised that there has been resistance, it is normal when change occurs. There was also resistance at the time it was first introduced, ” says Melby.

It is not only just in the social media that several people have expressed great dissatisfaction with the new change. Also within several parties, both in and outside the government, is it motkrefter who want greater freedom of choice for families. While several have accused the change to hollow out the mothers permisjonstid, they want three to point out that they receive the most positive feedback for that they are fighting for the right to be at home with their children. There is also a broad political consensus about the current tredeling of the leave.

The great commitment think the politicians have largely come because of the change to the current scheme is perceived bigger than it basically is. It was in 2013 that the Right and conservative party-the government did about fathers quota from 14 to 10 weeks. The current change is only about a week more than they had before 2013.

Melby therefore believe that much of the current resistance in a large degree is about a disagreement around pappapermisjonen in general. Many argue also that the mother should be at home for a whole year, and then it is a completely different debate, she believes. Other problems go on the lack of a kindergarten, says she and will have the support of the two stortingskollegene.

– It is not the case that the introduction of permisjonstida that is reserved for fathers, has removed permisjonstida from the mother. In line with the introduction of the pappapermisjon also have the mother’s quota has become increasingly longer. Pappapermisjonen has been a part of a total expansion, says the three representatives to the Newspaper.

– No reward for the birth

the Politicians emphasize that they are closer to the 20 billion that is used on the parental leave, is because one believes it is in the best interests of the children. But such an extensive social welfare benefits must also support multiple targets.

parental Leave is no reward to be pregnant or to have undergone a birth. Foreldrepermisjonen is adopted because one believes it to be at home with his parents in the first year, it is best for the child, ” says Tretteberg.

– It is not the case that the introduction of permisjonstiden that is reserved for fathers, has removed permisjonstiden from the mother, ” says the tverrpolitiske trio Guri Melby (t.v), Kari Elisabeth Kaski (in the middle) and Anette Trettebergstuen (t.v). Photo: John Terje Pedersen/ Dagbladet Show more

Melby recalls also that no other country has such a gilt-edged scheme in Norway, and that one shall not be longer than 20-25 years back before it was completely other conditions in this country.

– A place must it go for what the state should pay for. We can’t give out more than a year of paid parental leave. This is a wellington that you can choose to not make use of.

the Politicians think many men do not have the forhandlingskortet they should have had in the face of societal norms around pappapermisjon, and that the measure also is part of the likestillingskampen that will serve both men and women in the workplace.

– When there is an equal expectation that men will be gone after they have children, as women, as is the equality on this front, ” says Kvibe.

There must be other roads to the gender equality Debate

Trettebergstuen also adds that statistics show that fathers want to have pappaperm, and that they take out the part they are assigned – neither more nor less. It think she has multiple causes, both father and mother’s attitudes, but also employers attitudes, which do not facilitate that fathers can be lost in the pappapermisjon. For women, this is often different, she believes.

the Community’s attitudes is to a large extent still focuses on that it is the mother who shall have the care and forsørgerrollen. We think we choose freely, but we do not, we select by society’s norms. Father’s patterns of conduct to follow so it is the norm. The mother seems on leave as his own, and it also makes the employers. Therefore, father, that we stand up for his right to have this own quota.

– Not a problem for breastfeeding

Much of the debate in social media and in letters to the editor in the newspapers, go on the mother’s ability to follow the national ammeråd if she goes back to work after finishing maternity leave. The representatives underline that the current arrangement is not detrimental to the mothers the opportunity to follow the Health recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for six months, for then to continue breastfeeding through the child’s first year of life.

– the Scheme is not conflicting here. If you want to be at home and fullamme in six months, so can you. Mothers can remain at home with full pay for seven months, and with 80 % in the almost nine md. Combine this with the holiday, can the mother be at home in all 10 md., explains the tverrpolitiske the trio.

Have changed the view of parental leave

Politicians, like all even is småbarnsmødre or upcoming mothers, calls for authorities, school nurses and other agencies with knowledge on the field is going more on the path in the debate. So one can ease the concerns new mothers have about breastfeeding and the workplace. Mothers need not stop breastfeeding because they begin the work, but the breastfeeding should be supplemented with other meals, which also follows the government’s advice, they believe.

In addition, there are statutory arrangements that make that one can begin later or stop earlier in the work, and several should make use of these. It is also to talk about quite a few months, so maybe it also is possible with better facilitation from the employer. It should be examine, they say, adding that it could well be that there also should be seen on the possible changes to make this adaptation work better.

Just as valuable, but not equally! Debate

Rather than to the throat for fathers on leave, miss the politicians more research that goes in depth on the issues. Important topics believes they are why many women stop breastfeeding around six md., even if they don’t start in the job, and the reasons why men do not take out the greater part of the fathers quota than that which is required by law.

Want evaluation welcome

Within several parties erased it now on the replay to come against the spring landsmøter, and in This there is expressed the desire for an evaluation of the current tredeling. Melby wants an evaluation on long term welcome, but believes it will be too early to implement this, after just over six months.

– If a later evaluation should show something else I’ll be the first to admit the error, she adds.

Kaski emphasizes, however, that the Right and conservative party’s change of foreldrepermisjonen in 2013 was just an evaluation of this scheme.

When the fathers got reduced his part, one could see that they took out a larger part of the fellesperioden. This showed that the society is not able to handle this without political bias. When the Right supported the Liberal proposal for the change, it was with the assumption that this had failed.

Even though they are aware that individuals can find the scheme too rigid, they are clear that they believe the current scheme is flexible enough.

– Pappapermisjonen can be spread over three years, both with hours and certain days, so it is already flexible enough.

Will not change the pappapermen