As a revenge for being rejected by an indian woman selected a 27-year-old man to rape, kill and decapitate the woman’s daughter of four years.

It writes the Times of India.

would he have saved the girl’s torso 300 meters away from his home in the indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The girl’s head had he taken the skin of, so that you could not identify her and thrown it on the opposite side of the road from his house.

the Man was, according to nyhedsmediet be a friend of the family. But when he tried to make sexual advances towards the mother, he was rejected.

the Mother, who is hearing impaired, had warned him against going into her house. She had also threatened to tell her husband, says a politikilde to the media.

on Tuesday selected the man to kidnap the daughter. Here he took the girl to his home, where he tied her. When her mother and a neighbor was looking after his daughter, knocked on the man’s house to hear whether he had seen her.

Something, he refused.

It got the parents to politianmelde the daughter’s disappearance, and then, the authorities considered the girl’s torso and head separately.

the Man confessed to the crime, as a knife with traces of blood were found in his house. In addition to decapitate the girl, he had also mutilated her body with charring.

Of fear that she would squeal, chose the man, according to his own explanation to beat her to death.

In India, there is death penalty for rape after several cases over a number of years have plagued the country.