It forwards to the controversy about private kindergartens in Oslo. Now shows a summary from the Ap/SV/MDG-the city council that the municipality has claimed back to 4.5 million from private kindergartens for the financial years 2014-2016.

the Money is required back is used to, among other things årslønner in the millions, and trips to major cities such as Berlin, Florence, London and Barcelona, shows the overview Dagbladet has gained access to.

the Municipality has also turned down on the lower “adult density” than in municipal kindergartens, which should have led to “unreasonably” high profits, and has demanded repayment of funds from six of the fifteen pre-schools that were investigated.

– taunt

city Commissioner for knowledge and upbringing Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV) is in full swing with what she believes is a much-needed cleanup.

– The previous city council, led the economic supervision of the kindergartens, so much has gone under the radar here. It is serious, for this is money that should have gone to the kids, she says to Dagbladet.

WENT TO BARCELONA: In these premises at the Bislett keeps Langaard kindergarten. In 2015 went to the kindergarten staff on a trip to Barcelona as the District of St. Hanshaugen, in retrospect, have turned down hard on. Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog. Show more

We have seen that some commercial and private actors have used the money completely wrong, and have availed themselves of the loopholes, and have taken the chance that we would not detect it, ” says Thorkildsen.

When Dagbladet asks for examples, she says “sky-high lederlønner and the use of money on spaturer abroad, for example.”

I would think that for parents of children in these kindergartens, and for employees who do not have been with on trips, it feels like a mockery, for kindergartens is not running over of milk and honey, ” says Thorkildsen, but adds that there are many serious, private actors.

Visited the Spanish winery

One of the kindergartens that have received claims for refund, Langaard at Bislett. In a contested tilsynsvedtak from the District of St. Hanshaugen from april 2018 required the nursery for the 400 000 for fiscal year 2015.

the First part of the reasoning is an employees-travel to Barcelona with “visit to a winery”, transportation during your stay and the food and drinks, with a cost of 86 000.

the District writes that “a clean trivselstur for the employees is not an activity that is directly related to the approved barnehagedriften”.

the remainder of The applicable salary for the then owner and the owner’s related parties (styreren), respectively 824 000 and 950 000 including overtime and board of directors.

According to the tilsynsrapporten was the total salary of at least 395 000 higher than it should have been, from the salary levels in municipal kindergartens.

Millionlønn and spa

“We have discussed these issues above the county and do not want to prosedere this in the media. The decision on the appeal is expected to be released in march 2019,” writes the then owner of the Langaard kindergarten, Christer Alm, to Dagbladet.

He is critical of that salary, overtime and board of directors are merged in the report, and according to him compared with nettolønna to the municipal center. The current owner Læringsverkstedet don’t know the details, and will not comment on.

Five other nurseries have also been claims for refund.

Among these is Månestråle kindergarten, which will appeal the decision. So the class struggle wrote Monday, district Frogner claimed back 1.7 million.

DISTURBING: – That Thorkildsen has a war against private kindergartens, and believe that all are villains and bandits, is terrifying, ” says the Conservative Øystein Sundelin. Photo: Terje Pedersen/NTB Scanpix Show more

the Rationale was lederturer to Florence, Berlin, London and Edinburgh – with sight seeing and inlaid spa and prosecco – and a salary to the owner of nok 1.6 million.

Chairman of the board Pål Berg says, however, to Dagbladet that his salary was “market”.

– Dangerous line

Kindergartens Waldemars, Bolteløkka and Økernly (fiscal year 2014) and the Cannon Norlandia kindergarten (2015) has also received claims for refund.

While Bolteløkkas case is finally settled and nok 500 000 to be repaid, considering Waldemars owner to take the case on a claim of 700 000 on. Kindergartens Økernly and the Cannon Norlandia have complained about the requirement of respectively 800 000 and 400 000, and these cases are treated in the County.

A common denominator in the four cases are lower “adult density” than the average in the municipal kindergartens. Because this means lower personnel costs, believes the municipality of the profit has been higher than affordable.

It believes the owner Lars Erik Larsen in Bolteløkka kindergarten is “an incredibly dangerous line”.

– No one will then have no incentive to operate efficiently, ” says Larsen.

do Not agree

In the Waldemars kindergarten, which had the lowest adult density of the four, calculated to the municipality that in December 2014 was 7.6 children per man, as against the average six of the municipal kindergartens.

“We do not agree in all the factors and the models used,” writes Trude Sydtangen at Waldemar barnehages owner Læringsverkstedet. Agree is also not director Kristin Voldsnes in Norlandia care centers.

Lawyer Einar Brunes in Private barnehagers association believes the reason for the differences in costs between private and municipal kindergartens are for the poor is uncertain.

– Newer nurseries have, for example, a completely different personalsammensetning than is the average in the municipal kindergartens. It provides a lower tenure, and lower costs, ” says Brunes, which says that the number in the appropriate pre-schools have been completely legal.

the Municipality has counted wrong, ” he says about the municipality’s calculations.

– Scary

With tilbakebetalingskravene are ready for a new revolution in the SV-byrådens barnehagekrig with the Right.

Øystein Sundelin, deputy chairman of the Conservative bystyregruppe, says that it also was previously a controller with those who receive public benefits through random checks.

– That Thorkildsen has a war against private kindergartens, and believe that all are villains and bandits, is terrifying. It will lead to lower kindergarten, ” says Sundelin.

Inga Marte-video turns heads: – Messy and unfortunate