“Four ways out of brexit-hook”

“The british politicians who sent Theresa May to Brussels, assumes that the EU is bluffing when they say’ no ‘ to renegotiate.”

“But what if the EU is serious about? What happens with a brexit if it is the british who are forced to blink first?”

“The british politicians who want to implement the brexit continues to engage in purely wishful thinking. They have seriously thought that they should be able to retain almost all the benefits of EU membership while at the same time avoid all the disadvantages, including the annual membership fee.”

“Despite the fact that the EUROPEAN union has repeatedly said that they do not intend to go along with it so refuses the british to listen.”

“Now, the british parliament had given May a mandate to negotiate on the skilsmässoavtal as she is already approved. But since the EU is probably not bluffing, so there will not be any renegotiation. May had to return empty-handed.”

“Then remains to be seen what will be the next step. May has promised to come back to the house for a week, no later than 13 February, for a possible vote about how the uk house of commons want to go further.”

“When the option to renegotiate is no longer exists, there remains still a number of opportunities.”

“the British are constantly trying to shoot over the ball on the EU’s court, but it seems increasingly clear that this chaos is something the british have to clear up themselves. The EU can do to solve the knots is to give London more time for reflection. But it requires to May can present a plan for how she’ll use the extra time.”

“No such plan seems to not currently exist.”

“After a letter from the labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to Theresa May has a new opportunity opened up. Corbyn is prepared to negotiate a softer brexit together with the prime minister. Perhaps an agreement more in line with what Norway has. If May goes with it she is likely to her own conservative party split in two.”

“”Special place in hell ‘”

“Corbyn is also the that places unreasonable demands on the brexit. Labour’s attitude is that they can only accept a secession that will give the country the exact same rights and benefits that a membership makes. Talk about wishful thinking.”

“How tired the EU is on the british are dithering, and impossible demands was caught in an unusually sharp statement by the EU president Donald Tusk, who says most of the time.”

“– There is a special place in hell for those who pushed forward brexit without even a loose sketch of how they would surely bring the exit of the port.”

“It doesn’t sound like the Brussels intend to blink first.”