In my bookcase stands a gummianka. When I look at the echoes a voice through his head: ”No duck butter! No duck butter!” Anksmör is what Michael Jackson was alleged to have called semen according to the indictment against him for sexual abuse in 2005.

I got the duck by Diane Hansen, author of the book ”Those are my private parts” that teaches children to stop tafsande adults. We met outside the court in Santa Maria in California. She was there to provide information about sex crimes and handing out ducks which she kept in a red cart. I was there to write about the fans who defended Michael Jackson. Some of them kicked on Dianes ankvagn when she cried, ”no duck butter”.

many not only regarded The King of Pop as a moral exemplar, but as a reincarnated Christ. I was not equally convinced of Jackson’s goodness. But after seeing the documentary ”Living with Michael Jackson” I still thought he was Peter Pan rather than a pedophile.

Outside the court, it was easy to be dragged in by the fans ‘ enthusiasm. They sang ”You are not alone”, the ballad that R Kelly wrote for Michael Jackson. They waved signs that said ”Smooth but not a criminal” and ”Saviour of the world’s lost children”. They cheered when Michael Jackson arrived, and made V-signs at us. ”He is similar to Oscar Wilde,” I thought when I saw his long black hair and guldbroderade sammetskostym. I couldn’t let go of the idea that the trial might was as prejudiced as when the 1800-famous was sentenced to prison for homosexuality.

And after his death in 2009 fell pedofilanklagelserna into oblivion while his popularity increased (over the tens has Jackson topped the Forbes list of the most successful deceased artists).

the Film ”Leaving Neverland” has taken scandal to flare up again. 36-year-old Wade Robson, and 40-year-old James Safechuck, who met Michael Jackson when they were eight and five years old, tells of how they were sexually abused by their idol hundreds of times. According to the documentary was Neverland equipped with secret bedroom so that Michael Jackson could have a quickie when he wanted to. By winning the parents ‘ trust, and then maneuver them out – at the same time, as he said to the boys that they absolutely did not blow the whistle – he could, according to the film, molest child after child after child. When they reached the age of puberty tröttade Michael Jackson and changed the bff.

”Leaving Neverland” a ”public lynching”. And Jackson’s supporters point out that both Wade Robson and James Safechuck testified in the trial in 2005 and said that Michael never exposed them to anything inappropriate (Safechuck said the same thing to the police back in 1993, shortly before the 12-year-old Jordy Chandler’s parents withdrew its lawsuit in exchange for 25 million dollars).

the Film claims that Robson and Safechuck was so traumatized, that they could not admit to themselves that they have been abused until they received psychological problems as adults and themselves become parents.

Regardless of if the duo manage to sue the Jackson family teaches the new film affect the image of the world’s largest pop star. He will be removed from Spotify’s playlists similar to R Kelly? Becomes #MuteMichael as popular hashtag, such as #MuteRKelly? Or, we can continue to appreciate his consummate music, much like when we listen to the antisemite Richard Wagner or the killer Phil Spector? It will probably be easier for us who only considered Michael Jackson as an entertainer – not as savior of the world.

Here you can read more of the chronicles of Fredrik Strage, among other things, about how he has been waiting for year 2019 ever since he saw ”Brade runner”.