“fisherman Fritz fishes fresh plastic”, “We are young and need the world”, “Without bees, there’s no beer, so we protest here,” – with the now usual mix of Serious and Humor, young demonstrators from Berlin, Germany and Europe in the case of the “Fridays for Future”Demonstration in Berlin showed on Friday.

this Time it should be a special event, after all, the icon of the youth had come for movement and the initiator of the climate of the school strikes, Greta Thunberg from Sweden to Berlin. A young Berliner held after her maltes Original-Greta-poster in Swedish.

World-wide protests, even in the middle of Berlin

The young Swede has a full calendar. Climate demo on Friday, followed by a visit to the Potsdam climate impact research Institute, on Saturday, then the ceremony of the Golden camera – a lot for a 16-Year-old, who is admired by the young people and the adult supporters of a pop star.

For media representatives, it was in spite of intensive efforts, difficult as possible for an Interview, the young woman from Stockholm. You want to replace without a press on substantive issues to global warming. Meanwhile, millions of other young people gathered around the world in more than 125 countries: in new Zealand, and India, in Spain and Latin America..

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In Berlin, moved according to the local police, around 20,000 people from the disability Park moved to the capital city of the Brandenburg gate, the organizers spoke of more than 25,000 participants. 300 police officers were deployed, fortunately, there were no major incidents, the organizers asked the young people themselves, of course, you don’t like climbing on the Laternenmaste.

Call, cheers, cell-phone Selfies

long before Greta tidy late stage in the course of the 18th century. March entered, were children, teenagers, and parents, teachers, and scientists there, the legs flat. Some students were allowed to change on the head of the press photographers to look from above on the crowd – and to see if Greta comes. Then they set out to Luisa Neubauer, the face of the German strike movement, on the stage. Applause, Calls, cell phones and cameras are whipped out. For many a special Moment, your model is there, it is called and clapped, what holds the stuff. Many children and young people make fascinated Selfies from the gate and call “Greta, Greta.”

The most creative posters of the air strike view more images of 1 of 17Foto: Sina Jamal29.03.2019 18:00you want to be heard: The demonstrations in the framework of the “Fridays for Future” on the seriousness of the climate situation closely.Back Next

That the policy takes the Worry out of young people seriously, Thun Berg’s Central concern. The current global protests are, according to the Swede, “is only the beginning of the beginning”. “We have a common goal, a future, is it too much to ask for?” asks Thunberg. Adults, and politicians would always say that young people shouldn’t have to Worry – but that’s exactly what should be done by the young people.

“We should get into a panic, and I do not mean that we should run around and scream, but that we should move out of our comfort zone. If you are in a crisis, to change its behavior,” the appeal of the young, small grown woman with the almost childlike appearance.

fear of a mass escape and coastal land under water

Previously, young people from Belgium, from Denmark, from France to the scenario of a world designed, which portrays the Background of the eye-protests. Mass refugee movements due to water manngels, wars for resources, storms, droughts, all of which would be to the world, because the world is not less, but more greenhouse gases would be distributed. In ten years, according to the UN the Arctic is ice-free, the Hunt for polar bears, then impossible, then remain in the medium term, possibly polar bears in the animal Park, the only kind that will survive is the fear of many.

another big Problem of sea level rise is, on the in the Talk. So will rise, if everything goes on like this, for example, the sea on the coasts of the Netherlands, the North sea, the world is enormous. The Baltic sea island of Fehmarn will be swallowed, according to the current state-already in 80 years to one third from the water.

“We want, we want change now!”

To set the mood of the group, “Funketeers for the Future” had several songs are sung, for example, “We want, we want change now!” to the tune of the Queen classic “We Will Rock You”. And singer Leo delivered his anthem of the movement.

But also adults are on the stage. Johannes Vogel, Director of the natural history Museum, thanked in his speech to the youth of the world. He was grateful that, finally, the issues of the adults by the children in the Public would be heard, and said: “Come to the Museum, you have free admission to develop with us, such as global warming can be stopped.”

Also, a scientist warns on stage in front of it, to discredit the children and young people. On the contrary, the youth movement would finally patched the warnings of the scientists, with Scientists for the Future, there are now over 26,000 signatories.

Previously, the pupils, students and apprentices, as well as the “grannies against the Right”, as well as many other family members from the disability Parking pass at the Federal economy Ministry to the Chancellery and then to the Brandenburg gate.

Friday, the school remains empty: The air strike is going on for many children and young people.Photo: Sina Jamal

children to be Greta to vegetarians

the Minister of health, Jens Spahn, had previously challenged the young people in the case of the “Fridays for Future” should specifically say what you want. Did you materials on the stage, called for new sources of energy, an immediate shift away from fossil fuels.

A Participant of the Demo in the disability Park wishes people would think more about what you can contribute in everyday life to climate protection – for example, separating waste, or no SUVs. And: “The more people participate, the more people we reach.”

young people have a lot of life ahead

Some of the adults blame the young people themselves, nothing to do personally. To buy the latest phone to order via online services, the returns to destroy or to jet off quickly to Spain with the cheap airlines.

However, many young people went with good intentions to go home. So Arne, Fritz and Levi want to eat no or little meat, no more plastic bags to buy and less to do with the car ride, told the elementary school students. The father of Levi, Hannes Daerr from Kreuzberg, said: “I am touched and ashamed that I didn’t go earlier to demonstrate.”

More about

“Fridays for Future” in the news blog Up to 25,000 participants at a Demo for the climate protection in Berlin

Anne Armbrecht, Melanie Berger, Matthias Jauch Jana Demnitz

With a view to the upcoming European elections, they wanted to mobilize again, said Luisa Neubauer, one of the Berlin Organisers. She announced to the young people specially for the European elections to mobilise parties would be elected, which include climate protection to your core topics.